Finally Fessing Up

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So one day when I was in sixth grade I was walking back from class when this guy started walking next to me (or so I thought). He mumbled something so I asked him what he said. He mumbled again in reply so asked him again. This went on a couple more times before he said loudly in the middle of the hall, "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU." I just stared at him like a deer in headlights and said, "Oh..." and he just walked away from me annoyed. I was just like "Well then don't mumble."(-_-)

I hate it when people mumble.

- Snow-chan

-If you want to confess something then Pm the Fessing Up workers,you may ask to be annoynmous if your fessing up is in the magazine-

Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now