Advice Column

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Hello Minna! Today I, MoonShadowBlossom, am hosting the advice column. I am unsure whether there was anyone asking for advice this month, so I am going to do a column that anyone can benefit from.

We are on Wattpad, right? How many people write books? A lot. So I'm going to give you some tips and advice on how to write a good fanfiction ((because I'm assuming tht most of us write fanfics)). And as a bonus, I will add some tips and advice on how to gain more readers. It may not be as accurate, but I think it might help a bit.


I hate spelling and grammer as much as the next person, but if you're writing a fanfic with abbreviations and hard to understand grammer, no one's going to read your book! SPELLING AND GRAMMER ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THIG WHEN WRIING A BOOK! You never see [legit] books that have spelling mistakes right? There is an exception for a minor error every so often, but for the entire book? No!

Try using different POVs every chapter, not every sentence or paragraph. If you want to voice a group of people's thoughts in a paragraph, use ominicent 3rd POV, which basically means that it is in third person, but doesn't focus on one character's thoughts. ((I it does focus on one's thoughts, that's called Limited 3rd POV, like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series.))

Don't make an OOC. If you are going to change the character's personality, there must be a good reason.

Specify whether the fanfic is an AU or not. It helps to know when your story is taking place.

DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!! I cannot stress enough abut getting canon hings wrong. It irks me like heck.

Rate your book! Say if there is going to be language or smut in your book. It does make a difference. Look up ratings if you don't know what rate specifies for what kind of book.

I believe I can speak for all if us when I say that I don't like Mary-Sues. Each character must have a flaw! If the character is perfect, it makes the book boring.

Don't overuse the word said/says. 

from a forum. 

Sorry if you did not get the recognition you deserved *^*


Make a nice, attractive cover! A nice looking cover will help bring readers to read your book. 

Write a descriptive summary. It helps. Really. You can have an idea of what your book is about. 

 I hope these tips help! SEE YOU ^^

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which will be in the comments section

Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now