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Interview with @KenzieRose02 (Kenzie-chan)

Interviewer: Snowdragon257 (Snow-chan

Snowdragon257: Ohayo, minna-san! This month I interviewed one of my really good frineds, @KenzieRose02! So Kenzie-chan, When and how were you introduced to Wattpad?

Kenzie-chan: It was in January I think, and I was on the AppStore in the books category. I had wanted an app where I could read books for free. Then I saw Wattpad and decided to try it. I had just started watching Fairy Tail, so I searched Fairy Tail fanfction and I fell in love with the app:)

Snow-chan: That's so cool! Fairy Tail is the best;) Now for my second question: What or who is your inspiration? What gives you the ideas for writing such amazing stories?

Kenzie-chan: Well, as for my role models, I look up to my friends. You, @chello_8893, @BambooGreen, @AnotherdamnOtaku, and @NeonVolts. They write beautiful works of art, and I always love reading their stories to improve my writing.

As for my ideas, I have watched all the Fairy Tail episodes and I usually get my ideas from there. Or if I'm reading a book at school, I sometimes try to put the characters that I use in funny situations. It helps when you read a lot off Wattpad to get ideas.

Snow-chan: Aw! You make me blush (~^_^~)

Its so great that you have so many friends on Wattpad who help and support you! So I was wondering... You have a lot of reads, votes, and fans. What's your advice in obtaining more readers and gaining friends on Wattpad.

Kenzie-chan: IN my opinion, I honestly don't care how many "reads" I get on a book. It doesn't change anything. And most all of the people reading my stories just read one page and then find another book. I love it when a reader comes along and reads until the very end. That's when you know you've done a good job.

Anyway, if you are beginning to write, or if you want some people to read your book, then I suggest editing over your work. People don't want to read a story with grammatical errors! Plus, you could interact and message some people on Wattpad to make friends. Everyone is super friendly!

Snow-chan: You're definitely right about everyone being friendly. I have never once seen or met a negative person here on Wattpad. And I agree, you feel a sense of accomplishment when you have a dedicated reader who always reads your updates and gives you feedback.

When did you start writing? How has writing influenced your life? Is it something you want to do as a profession or is it more of a hobby?

Kenzie-chan: I started writing ever since I could spell words right. IN my school, you had to write one story per grade. But I didn't start writing seriously until last year.

Writing had influenced my life a lot! It takes up time and dedication. Plus, you need to have the writing knowledge and patience or you're staring at a blank canvas.

I would love to write stories professionally! It would be wonderful! I just feel that I'm a little too young to be think about that right now (I'm 12). But in the future, I would definitely consider being an author.

Snow-chan: Well, Kenzie-chan, if you became a professional author, I would read all your stories:) So, what do you enjoy about writing? I know you said that you write stories in school every year, but is there any other genre you enjoy writing besides fanfiction?

Kenzie-chan: I write fanfiction because I love anime. But, I also love writing and reading poetry. As some people know, I have started writing a poetry book and it just passed 800 votes! Yay! Anyway, I'd write poetry or maybe fiction. I'm also thinking about writing an original story.

And I'm flattered you'd read my stories! I'd read yours too(^_^)

Snow-chan: Why thank you! I think I have another case of the blushies (-^_^-)

And you just began to answer my next question: Are there any books that you're planning to write in the future?

Kenzie-chan: Well, as for fanfiction, I'm going to write two more books. One is a Gruvia book, and it's going to be a Little Mermaid crossover. Then I'm going JerZa book with a Snow White crossover, I've already written GaLe with a Beauty and the Beast crossover, and I'm currently writing a NaLu fanfiction with a Tangled/Rapunzel theme.

As for any other books, I'm trying to do an original story. I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I'm starting to plan it out. It should be up by 2015

Snow-chan: That's amazing! I can't wait to read all of them! I think the Disney Princess crossovers are very original and unique, and I enjoy reading the ones you've written so far!

Here's a fun question: If you we're a part of Fairy Tail, what magic would you have and who would you pair yourself with?

Kenzie-chan: Thank you! Hmmmm... that's a tough question. Since pretty much everyone is already paired up with someone, I would feel rude trying to steal the girl's boyfriends. But if I had to choose, I would pair myself with Bixlow. My magic would be just like Reedus, where I can use a light pen.

Snow-chan: Okay, Kenzie-chan! This is the final question: What motivates you to keep writing?

Kenzie-chan: THE READERS!!!! THey keep me motivated because I know what it feels like waiting for an update. I love all of their positive feedback and when I'm feeling down, I reread them and start writing.

Snow-chan: Ah, yes. The long, agonizing feeling of waiting for an update. Us Wattpadders know the feeling all to well.

And that concludes our interview! Thanks so much, Kenzie-chan!

Kenzie-chan: No problem! Thank you! I had a lot of fun!

Snow-chan: Everyone make sure you go check our KenzieRose02's amazing stories. See ya next time!

Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now