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I walked down the raining streets with purpose, a grim frown etched on my face.

Mr Familo sir!”


“yes?” I sighed, I was having a break from my meeting with one of the patients here at the ward. I felt tired and beat, not wanting to deal with anymore mentally unstable people, those with delusions, suffering from depression so badly they weren’t far behind the ‘delusion-ists’ and anyone else with problems that required them stay in a ward with guards at their doors.

“what is it?”

“A new patient got moved here today sir” the noobie ran clammy fingers through his hair and let loose a deep breathe.

“the hospital council have requested your immediate attention”


“and whys that? Did this person pull out the knife and try to kill themselves and everyone around them or something?”


The man bit the inside of his cheek and he lowered his gaze to the ground, his glasses flashing su ha white you couldn’t see his wet eyes.

“Sir, she’s a mage from the local guild.. Fairytail”


The memories of my patient wized through my mind achingly slowly, dragging out each scene, as if my mind didn’t want to let go.

But a Psychiatrist isn’t allowed to get close to their patients.

“well miss Lucy… Mind telling me why you’re here?” I linked my fingers and leaned my elbows onto the mahogany desk.


Her eyes narrowed, “you’re the one with the papers… why don’t you tell me?”


I scanned her over with my eyes, she wore the essential uniform if you where to be kept here for an extended amount of time: a creamy long sleeved top made of thin material that hung off her cleavage, matching pants hung off the thin frame that was her figure, never giving her hips a reason to be proud. The most interesting thing about her was her eyes. They where big and doe brown, they looked as though they had a mask covering them, like that acceptance that filled them was fake. I was convinced she was hiding something that was emotionally tearing her apart inside out, which was probably why she was here.


I passed her old apartment, and found myself stopping further down the street, my body willing me to turn back and stare at it.

“why are you hiding yourself?”

The blonde let the surprise slip through her poker face, put covered it just as quickly as it had appeared.

“and what do you mean by that?”


I played my cards carefully, certain this was a case where the patient just needed to break open their dam and let the emotions out, then they’d be on their way.

“I mean you should let yourself flow, you shouldn’t hide, especially from me. I’m here to help you”


Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now