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Sorry this is so late!

Hello Minna! This week I, MereMuffin, am your host for the questionnaire.

Lemme ask you a question. Which guild do you belong in?? Ever asked that question? Well, this month's questionnaire is for which guild you'd most likely be in.  

Remeber this is just for fun! Please don’t get offended if you got a different guild than you wanted .-.

This quiz is letter based, so remember the letters you choose!


1.) What is your personality?

a. strong, powerful, and popular

b. girly, courageous, and confident

c. loyal and friendly

d. friendly, but competitive and strong

e. greedy and rich

f. loud and crazy

g. independent, quiet, mysterious, but strong

h. vain and pretty

i. cruel and bad*ss


2.) What do you think is the most important?

a. power! You've gotta stay strong to live.

b. girl power! Girls rule! We're strong, pretty, confident; no one can underestimate us.

c. friends! Friends mean everything. How can you do anything with support?

d. competition and intellect! What's fun without a little competition? As long as your with your strong friends! They have to be strong to win. You also must have the brains. Use strategy, the. You can win!

e. money! If you're not rich, you're a disgrace.

f. volume and punk! It's all about how loud you are.

g. secrets and silence! Secrets are what defines who people are. Silence is wonderful. It makes it seem as if you have all the time in the world. It gives you time to think.

h. looks! You don't have anything if you don't look good.

i. anything to do with secrets, winning, strength, and power! Secrets are things that they hide from others. It's their weakness, and shows who the person really is. You can use it as blackmail. I'm also very power hungry. You can't get anywhere without beating SOMEONE.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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Fairy Tail Magazine September Issue #4Where stories live. Discover now