❀ | two

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            Speaking of the father, he comes a week later.

            His eyes are glued mindlessly to his only child as she plays daintily with his fingers. The fingers that are limp from all the dismal news circulating around his daughter. His mind is on nothing else, but the misconceptions of life.

            Life is the cycle of a hurricane. And for a while, you will be in the gentle eye, but only for a while. You are then sucked into the turmoil of reality, grasping for air and clinging to optimism. Which is what he did.

            Plastering a smile upon his face, tainted with laughter, he cradles the baby in his arms and rocks her gently. Back and forth. Back and forth. 

            Although his smile is plastic, his heart is authentic. To the noyl family member consisted of, he will cherish till the end of his time.

            I will protect you. 

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