❀ | ten

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Dear Eren, 

            I knew you since you were born. From the fact that you were never given the chance to see the mother that could've cared for you, I assumed that you would stand upon as a broken child. However, when your father first held you in his arms, I curious. I was curious, okay? My curiosity led me to scroll down my list and see the cause of your apparent tragedy. And before I got to your name, I stopped to look at your father's name. The name that was before your own and a long way before your death. And from that moment, I swore to myself that I wouldn't go any further. 


            I wanted to give myself the chance to play this all out. Like a story created out of obliteration and the fragments of an unhappily ever after. Then, crafted into something worthwhile. Something exceptionally beautiful. That is how I believe your story will go.

            You remind me of the sun. The sun that we all attempt to block. However, only the most far-reached saviors will save the sun from its consistent shedding of loneliness. And that's when we'll call it a day. A beautiful day. 

            Although I am the opposite of the sun, in fact, an enemy of it, I still believe in you. I have faith that you will overcome your obstacles and perceive life in a whole new light. Because, darling, even if the world is still at its darkest, you have the potential to shine at its brightest. 

Sincerely, the gentlemen in black 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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