❀ | three

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            The first phrase was ai shiteru.

            It was an unexpected surprise. One that was still debated on being heartfelt or just plain bittersome. A two-year-old girl at that time spoke words that had never been spoken. Of course, it sounded like an entropy of stutters and lisps, a common ordeal of the average toddler. However, the father understood the concept of each mumble. As if it was made for him. I love you

            He gaped at the young girl. Her eyes were round specks of light and she was beamed with pride. It was obvious that such a young child wouldn't understand the provocative meaning of the phrase. Even if it fit her so well.

            She was his lifeline. His sunlight and his faith. Without this young girl, the girl he could've easily thrown into an orphanage, his life would've never consisted of color. 

            A life of diligence and hours of study had made him an introvert. A pessimistic gentleman with no spoke of sympathy for the common person. His love life was an apparent failure and so was his duty as a loving father. 

            As tears appeared at the brim of his eyes, he kneeled down to his daughter's height and wrapped his arms around her frail body.

            As she nestled in his embrace, he gave himself the chance to be a better guardian. And a caring father.

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