❀ | seven

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            Confinement had never been so terrifying.

            A twelve-year-old girl lay austere in an abandoned janitor's closet. Her last remembrance was being struck by a solid and metallic substance, the primary cause to her oblivious knockout. This also led to the conclusion of being carried into a barren area while in the stage of passing out, labeled as a hostage soon after. With barely any food, water, or heat, conditions were more or less primitive. 

            Adrenaline surged through her body and she huffed in a sliver of air. It wasn't a good time to have another anxiety attack, let alone, panic about the situation. Her father was well known for the stocks his company shared. There was bound to be a time of where his enemies would even take his own daughter for ransom.

            Her lips were bleeding and her ankle felt numb to the touch. The attempt to straighten the joints of her leg didn't provide a magnanimous effect. Thus, it was sprained. 

            As she struggled to free herself from the ropes that were corrosively strangling her, there was a sudden jolt as the door flew open, revealing her father. His knuckles were bloody to the touch and his black hair was drenched in sweat. Like a lion embarked in glory, he leaped to his daughter's side, tearing away the ropes and chains with his own hands. 

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