Chapter 10

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They all came back downstairs. Navana used her healing spells to heal Xenia's wounds.

" Guys.I have a question?" Yoongi asked.

" Yeah.Say it." Hoseok replied.

" As it seems, we all have super powers right?"


" So tell me who can do what?"

Xenia started. " well I can make illusions and cast spells as I am a witch, you can control metal, Taehyung can read minds, Namjoon can control thunder, Navana can fly."

" What about Elizah , Jin, Jimin and Jungkook?"

" Elizah can control the evil spirits, Jin can hypnotize by his voice, Jimin can control water and Jungkook can control Fire"

" And Hoseok?"

" Well. Um Hoseok is the only person who is exceptional. "

" Why?"

" Cause, he can control one thing that none of us can"

" And what is that?"

" Lust , pride or should I say greed"

" I think you are done talking sister"

" Dont be angry Hoseok. I cant keep it a secret all the time"

" Wait a min . That means he can control the greed in us?"

" Yes . Kinda"

" Xenia. Say it clearly" Yoongi said with a raspy voice.

" Well. He is a semi - God."

" What!"

Namjoon stood up. All of them were shocked.

" He is a god!"

" Well his father was a God and his mother was a human as I know. "

" Are you a Goddess too Xenia?"

" No not really . But I am the Queen of Illusions."Xenia smiled.

" That makes sense"

"Xean. You told me that Hoseok  and I had a past right?"

" Yeah"

" Well how can we be connected if he is a God?"

" Umm. I dont know that much. Maybe Taehyung can help"

" But he is weak now"

" Yes"

" Okay guys . I think we all should rest. Today was a hectic day"  . Jin said.


Xenia took Elizah. They headed to the guest room. Yoongi was about to go to his room but Hoseok stopped him.

" Yoongi . Can we talk?" 

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