Special Chapter. [ NAMJIN]

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Namjin. Namjoon and Jin. While Yoongi and Hoseok were having problems from their unwanted visions,Namjoon and Jin were going through new horizons of their lives with each other.

Namjoon always tried to take care of Jin. The members of the house said they were always together.  Like magnets..

These two went to the same school but Namjoon was Jin's Junior.  When Namjoon was in 10th grade he found out he had feelings for Jin. And When Jin went to college he found out he has feelings for Namjoon as well. He also found out he has super powers.

The most funny thing is they also went to the same College.  Though their classes were not the same they always found time to see each other.

One day, Namjoon was really stressed about his exams, so it was kinda hard for him to concentrate and he nearly fainted. But,Thanks to God, Jin was there for him. He started singing with his angelic voice and out of nowhere Namjoon started feeling good after hearing Jin. Jin understood his voice contained something unusual.  But he only sang for Namjoon. No one else knew except the members.

With Xenia's arrival, they both came to know they have powers.  They never used their power for anything bad. Saving YOUR loved ones is not a crime. When anyone of the house cant sleep he or she goes to Jin.

For Namjoon,  Jin and his voice was everything.  His medicine,  his drug,  his healer  and at the same time his lust. Namjoon confessed his feeling for Jin by writing a song for him. Jin also replied by singing a song he produced for Namjoon.

After killing Elizah, Namjoon proposed to Jin and he gladly accepted. They got married after some day. Yoongi and Hoseok was Namjoon's best man. Navana and Xenia were Jin's Bridesmaids.  Jimin was the flower boy and Jungkook was the ring holder. Taehyung....... He was the main singer.

They might not have as much problems as Yoongi and Hoseok. But still they have an amazing bond and maturity between them. They always took care of the younger members.  Even though Xenia is way older than Jin, she thinks that Jin is an amazing person to share your feeling with.

Namjoon once asked Jin, " When you actually feel that you cant love me anymore ONLY THEN you can break up with me."

Jin replied, " If this has to end,  it has to end with our death. Not before that."

[Happily ever after]

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