Why Can't You See Me?

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To say Adora was in pain would be the understatement of the century. 

Not even menstrual pain could compare to the feeling of her former best friend's claws digging into her. 

Catra cackled, fleeing the scene after injuring her former comrade. 

"Adora!" Swift Wind cried, having witnessed the entire ordeal. 

The Princess of Power tried to locate her trusty steed, but found she couldn't see him, or anything else for that matter. 

("Wait, what?! Why can't I see anything?!") Adora internally panicked, trying desperately to ascertain her surroundings. 

Soon enough, she heard 4 hooves landing in front of her. 

"Adora, thank the First Ones! C'mon, let's get outta here!" The flying unicorn said, spreading his beautiful multicolored wings. 

Adora tried walking to Swift Wind, but ventured off in the opposite direction. 

"Uh, Adora? I'm over here." Swift Wind deadpanned, thinking it was just a joke. 

"Swiftie?" Adora asked, walking in another direction. "I can't see you!" 

Swift Wind gasped, closed his wings, and raced over to the former Horde soldier. 

"Adora, why can't you see me?" Swift Wind panicked. 

"I don't know! All I know is that Catra scratched me and then all of a sudden I can't see anything!" Adora frantically explained. 

"You don't think she-?" Swift Wind covered his mouth with a wing as a horrible realization hit him like a ton of bricks. 

"What is it, Swiftie?" 

"Adora, please promise me you won't freak out." 

"Why would I-?" 

She was interrupted by Swift Wind covering her mouth. 

"Adora....." Swift Wind took a deep breath and placed a wing on her shoulder, knowing what he was about to tell his best friend would be hard for her to hear. "I think Catra blinded you." 

Adora gasped and covered her mouth, not believing what she had just heard. 

In the Horde, blind soldiers, useless to Hordak, were either kicked out or even...."taken care of" in the incinerator. 

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be ok, Adora." Swift Wind soothed. 

The blonde hadn't even realized she had started crying until she felt Swift Wind wiping her tears with his wing. 

"No......" Adora sobbed, collapsing to her knees and shedding her magical form, grasping her sword like it was a lifeline. 

"Oh, Adora....c'mere, follow my voice." Swift Wind offered, opening his wings. 

The former Force Captain walked over to her steed and bawled, shoving her face into Swift Wind's withers. 

"Sh.....it's gonna be okay, Adora, it's gonna be ok...." Swift Wind soothed, hugging her with one wing and rubbing her back with the other. 

Hearing Adora cry shattered the flying unicorn's heart into a million pieces, but he couldn't show his feelings now. There would be time for that after they drove the Horde out of Bright Moon. 

It was then that he decided Adora wasn't safe here. He had to get her out of there, before she got hurt, or worse. 

"Adora, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I'll explain everything to the Queen later." 

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