Bundle of Nerves

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Bow and Swift Wind landed before the staircase to Castle Bright Moon.

"Thanks for the ride, Swiftie."

"No prob. The sooner we get here, the sooner I can visit Adora."

Bow playfully rolled his eyes. He knew how much the alicorn had missed the Princess of Power, and he had been hoping to check on her himself.

"Now...which window was it?" Swift Wind asked himself, walking around the palace.

Swift Wind face-winged after a while of searching.

(Why would the infirmary window be on the bottom floor?! I flew out of it!)

Swift Wind hovered as he checked the second floor.

Bow did not pay the alicorn's actions any mind at first. Until he remembered what he had jokingly told him earlier:

"Let's just say, if you plan on visiting Adora today, you better sneak in through the window."

All of a sudden, Swift Wind's actions made sense; he was trying to sneak in to visit Adora!

"Wait, Swiftie! I don't think you should do this!"

"Don't worry, I flew out, I can fly back in!" Swift Wind reasoned, flying higher.

"No, not that! I was only joking about you sneaking in through the window!"

However, at this point, Swift Wind was at the third floor, too high to hear Bow.


Before Bow could repeat himself, a hand reached from a higher window, grabbed Swift Wind by the horn, and teleported him away.

Swift Wind suddenly found himself back in Glimmer's room, but there was no sign of the princess.

"Uh, Glimmer?"

"Be right there, Swiftie!" Glimmer called from behind a changing screen.

Swift Wind was equal parts shocked and confused at the fact that Glimmer was up this early as he sat down. From what Bow had told him, the princess was usually known for sleeping in until lunch.

Swift Wind figured that she was probably adjusting her sleep schedule due to the Rebellion meetings becoming more frequent since Adora's accident. It seemed as if princesses were coming in and out of the castle on a daily basis.

"Glimmer, I'm gonna go visit Adora, okay?" Swift Wind said.

"Alright, I'll catch up. Still remember where it is?"

"Left at the throne room, right at the conference room, and it's the first door on the right."

"Yeah, pretty much. When you pass the conference room, remember to plug your-"

Glimmer's warning was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Can you get that, Swiftie? I'm almost done!"

"Sure, I'm leaving anyway."

Swift Wind opened the door with a wing to find a guard on the other side.

"Glimmer's almost done, she'll be with you in a sec."

"Actually, Swift Wind, the Queen requests an audience with you."

Swift Wind's heart raced. Was the Queen still mad at him for what happened during the last Rebellion meeting?

Glimmer emerged from her changing screen and walked over to Swift Wind.

"Hey, Swiftie, it's gonna be okay, Mom probably won't even bring that up!"

"What if she does?! What if she's mad at me?! What if she makes Adora change me back?!" Swift Wind fretted, pacing the room like a new father waiting for his child to be born. "I embarrassed her in front of the entire Alliance, I wouldn't be surprised if she-"

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