A Stinky Situation

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"All rise for the Queen!" A guard announced.

Perfuma, Mermista, Frosta, Glimmer, and Bow stood up as Angella entered the room.

"All may be seated. This Rebellion meeting is now in session."

The princesses sat down as Swift Wind entered, Princess Frosta enamoured by the sight of him.

"Thank you for coming, girls. Your attendance is appreciated so soon after yesterday's ordeal."

"My baby and I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Netossa replied, giving her wife a kiss, causing Spinerella to smile and blush.

Angella smiled at the affectionate display.

"As the ruler of the Kingdom of Snows, and the most recent addition to the Rebellion, I feel obligated to attend this meeting." Frosta stated, standing up.

"I just came for the free food." Mermista deadpanned. "And cause your horse can turn into She Ra."

"I came from Plumeria not only to attend this meeting, but to ensure a speedy recovery for Adora." Perfuma stated, removing several herbal medicines from a bag she brought.

"As She Ra's noble steed, (even though I don't deserve the title at all,) I felt obligated to take her place in this meeting." Swift Wind stated, dropping Swift Ra's form.

Bow and Glimmer exchanged a concerned glance, and made an unspoken agreement to talk to Swift Wind after the meeting.

The flying unicorn meanwhile, had plucked one of his feathers to create an improvised quill which he dipped in a nearby ink pot and was using to write on a piece of paper.

'Arrow says hi. Swiftie.'

Swift Wind folded the note and wrote 'Bow' on it.

"Swift Wind, you're aware quills are provided for note taking, yes?" Queen Angella asked.

"O-of course, It's just-it's shedding season so....."

Angella nodded in understanding.

"Uh, Swiftie?" Bow called.

Swift Wind turned to Bow.

Bow awkwardly pointed to the floor of the conference room, now littered in beautiful multicoloured feathers.

Swift Wind's eyes followed Bow's finger. He blushed, and subtly slipped the note into Bow's quiver.

"Uh, all due respect, isn't this meeting about what we're gonna do now that Adora's blind?" Mermista asked.

"Oh, right! Frosta, what do you suggest we do?" Glimmer asked, getting eye level with the young princess.

"I suggest that we try Perfuma's medicine, and if that doesn't work, then Swiftie can be She Ra for a little longer while we think of something."

"Fair enough. Perfuma, thoughts?"

"I side with Frosta, actually."

"Make that 2 of us." Mermista agreed.

"Yeah, great idea, Frosta!" Bow praised.

"I agree as well. You have great potential as a leader, Princess Frosta." Queen Angella praised, hugging the child.

"Seems like we all agree. Swiftie, what do you-" Glimmers nose crinkled as a pungent odour filled the air, and she began to cough.

"What in the First Ones names died in here?!" Glimmer exclaimed between coughs.

"Oh, so you smell that too!" Netossa piped up, her nose plugged.

"What in the world could that be?" Spinerella asked, before catching a fainting Perfuma.

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