For the Honour of Grayskull

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~~~~~THE NEXT MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~

Swift Wind stirred and slowly rose. After looking around, the unicorn quickly realized he wasn't in his stall, and that his boyfriend had already woken up.

(I must've fallen asleep in Arrow's stall last night. Speaking of the love of my life, where is he?) Swift Wind thought, looking around.

(Wait a minute-I just woke up. There's no way I'm looking for Arrow like this!)

Swift Wind went back to his stall, directly across from Arrow's. He preened his wings, brushed his mane and tail, polished his horn, and applied his eyeliner.

(Now that's more like it!) Swift Wind thought, gazing at his reflection in approval.

The flying unicorn left the stables to find a bucket almost overflowing with apples.

Swift Wind gasped, ran over to the bucket, and ate like he hadn't eaten in 3 days.

Arrow's ears twitched at the sound of apples being munched as he grazed. He only knew one horse with such a big appetite.

("Good afternoon, sleepy head.") Arrow teased, greeting his boyfriend with a kiss.

Swift Wind finished the last apple in the bucket before responding.


("Yeah, babe, it's 12:30.")

Swift Wind looked at the position of the sun only to discover in astonishment that his boyfriend was right.

"Huh. Must've slept in."

("After the day you had? I don't blame you.")

"Fair enough. Between saving Bright Moon, turning into Swift-Ra, and doing absolutely nothing to stop my best friend from being blinded by a mangy fleabag, proving that I do not deserve to be her steed, I had quite the day." Swift Wind reasoned with a forced grin.

("Hon, are you ok? You haven't been yourself since Adora's accident.")

"Never better, my love!" Swift Wind responded, his left ear twitching.

Arrow knew his boyfriend was lying, but decided to drop the subject for now.

("Ok, but I'll be here if you need to talk.") Arrow reassured, giving his boyfriend another kiss.

"Thanks, babe. I'm gonna go check up on Adora, ok?"

("Alright. I know you're worried about her.")

Swift Wind gave his boyfriend a kiss before taking to the skies.

Swift Wind landed halfway into his journey. He was in the middle of a refreshing drink when he realized he had left Adora's sword in his stall!

He face-winged, and flew back to the stables.

("That was a short visit.")

"Nope, forgot the sword!" Swift Wind explained, the Blade of Grayskull on his back.

Arrow's jaw dropped when he saw the sword.

("Swift Wind?")

"Yes, my love?"

("Would you mind explaining what you're doing with She Ra's sword?")

"Queen Angella thought it'd be best if I held on to it so Adora wouldn't try to do anything stupid while she was recovering. Besides, without it, I couldn't do this!"

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