Let the Power Return!

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Swift Wind landed in front of Bright Moon's stable. After folding his wings one last time, he walked inside as quietly as possible, to prevent waking any horses who may have gone to sleep early.

Swift Wind found Arrow munching on some oats and greeted him with a kiss.

("Hey, hun. How's Adora feeling?") Arrow greeted after swallowing his oats.

"Like herself, I guess? The only thing that was off was when she fell asleep at 6:30."

("6:30? Is she 18 or 80?") Arrow joked, rolling his eyes.

"Right?" Swift Wind agreed.

("But, hey, at least she's getting her rest.")

"Yeah, I guess." Swift Wind shifted his weight between his hooves, and started munching on some nearby carrots.

("Uh, you feeling okay, Swiftie?")

"Never better!" Swift Wind replied, his mouth full.

("Mmm-hmm, and the 3 moons are made of cheese.") Arrow responded sarcastically, knowing full well that his boyfriend hated carrots.

"Oooh, are they? I'm gonna take a bite when I get a chance!" Swift Wind said, starting to drool.

("Swift Wind?")

"Yes, my love?"

("You're lucky you're so handsome.") Arrow chuckled, rolling his eyes and giving Swift Wind a kiss.

"Awww, thanks." Swift Wind said, blushing. "Hey, babe?"


"Have I ever told you the story of how I saved Bright Moon from the Horde?" Swift Wind asked, entering Arrow's stall.

("Now that I think about it, no. Should I sit down for this one?")

"Yeah, you should probably sit down for this one, but you're still gonna love it! Okay, so it all started when the weather started going nuts...."

Arrow sat down and prepared for the longest, most elaborate story of his life.


By the time Swift Wind had finished his story, it was a quarter to midnight, and Arrow was fast asleep on his shoulder. Swift Wind gently moved his boyfriend off of him, tucking him in with a kiss.

"Goodnight, my love. Just gonna take a midnight stroll, okay?" Swift WInd whispered.

Arrow acknowledged his boyfriend's statement with a sleepy nod.

Swift Wind stood up, left Arrow's stall, and entered his. He picked up Adora's sword and left the stables, sneaking it out under his wings. He sure was gonna miss having them.

Swift Wind walked into a clearing on a small hill where he knew none of his fellow horses slept and pulled out the sword.

In Swift Wind's left wing is a golden sword with a golden pommel and hilt. The guard is golden and flares out almost resembling wings that hug the light blue blade with First One's writing that was hard to decipher, considering the time of day. In the middle of the guard was a turquoise gem, She Ra's runestone.

If anyone else tried to pick up the Sword of Protection, they would find it extremely heavy, but to Swift Wind, it felt as weightless as one of his feathers.

Swift Wind strapped the sword to his back and took to the skies, deciding to take one last flight before he stripped himself of the ability.

The three moons looked beautiful, shining their light on the starless sky of Etheria. No matter how many times Swift Wind had seen the moons, they never failed to enamour him, even when he was just a normal horse. If Swift Wind could list one thing he'd miss after stripping himself of his wings, horn, and voice, this view would definitely top the list.

From the position of the moons, Swift Wind could tell that it was about 1:30 am.

"Have I really been out for that long?"

("Guess time flies when you're having fun, huh?") He thought.

The only thing stopping Swift Wind from facepalming at the terrible pun was the possibility of falling out of the sky.

Swift Wind was starting to feel a bit tired, but he knew that if he didn't enjoy his last flight before stripping himself of his wings, he would regret it for the rest of his life, so he took off, flying around Bright Moon. He could see Castle Bright Moon, the village, the Whispering Woods, and the Crystal Castle from his altitude.

The Whispering Woods.....that reminded him, he really needed to visit Madam Razz one of these days.

Wait....would she even recognize him after he reversed his transformation?!

How about Adora, and the rest of his friends?

What if Arrow broke up with him?

Hot tears stung Swift Wind's eyes. He could hardly fathom the thought of Adora never seeing her hand in front of her face again. Losing the love of his life on top of that would be almost too much to bear. But even if Arrow did break up with him, there were other horses in the stable. There was no way for Adora to regain her sight.

Swift Wind flew back to the small hill and dried his tears before they had a chance to fall. Crying wouldn't solve any of his problems.

Swift Wind pulled the sword off his back, and took several deep breaths.

"You can do this, Swiftie. Now or never."

Swift Wind raised the Sword of Protection to the sky the way he had seen Adora do countless times.

"For the Honour of Grayskull." Swift Wind whispered to the sword, to avoid waking anyone at this ungodly hour.

Lights of every colour imaginable emerged from the sword as it began to float in the air.

Swift Wind panicked when he saw the beautiful display. Why, of all times, did he choose 2:00 in the morning to reverse his transformation?

All of a sudden, the colourful lights turned into beams that fired everywhere.

A red beam hit a tree on Swift Wind's right, shredding it like paper.

Swift Wind ducked as an orange beam flew over him. He stood up when he could no longer hear it, narrowly avoiding a yellow beam that flew past him on his left, sizzling as it landed in a nearby river.

The green beam slithered out of the sword like a snake, burrowing itself deep into the ground, reviving the tree from earlier, and breathing new life into the flora around him.

Swift Wind's jaw hit the floor at the sight. He gained a new understanding of She Ra's healing powers, mentally noting that Perfuma would've loved this display.

Next, the blue beam shot out of Adora's sword like a bullet.

Swift Wind had dodged all the over beams, but he embraced this one with open wings, having anticipated it ever since he snuck Adora's sword out of the tables earlier that night. This was the same beam that had given him his magical abilities, and the same one that he believed was capable of revoking them.

Swift Wind felt someone shove him away from the beam before it could strike. He landed to the left of the tree, unharmed save for a few scrapes, and a bruise that he was definitely going to feel in the morning.

Swift Wind shakily stood up, disoriented from both the shove and sleep deprivation. He blinked several times in an attempt to clear his blurry vision, and immediately regretted it when he saw Arrow in the beam's path. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together-Arrow had left to find Swift Wind, saw him about to reverse his transformation, and tried to stop him.

And now Arrow, the love of his life, was going to get hurt, or possibly killed, because of his recklessness.

"MY LOVE, NO!!!!" Swift Wind cried, not giving a flying feather who he woke up.

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