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~~~~~~~THE NEXT MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After crying for 2 hours, Swift Wind had fallen asleep, using his boyfriend as a pillow. His snores were interrupted by the occasional sniffle.

Arrow couldn't help but feel concerned as he watched Swift Wind sleep. It wasn't like his boyfriend to bottle up his emotions.

Swift Wind had tried to apologize profusely countless times for making him all dirty, but he refused to hear it.

("Swift Wind, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. Sure, you made a mess, so what? Your tears, boogers, and makeup aren't anything soap and water can't take care of.") Arrow had reassured at the time, giving his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

Arrow sometimes wished he could fly and talk like his boyfriend. The latter would certainly make it easier to communicate with Bow, his rider, and the former would make dates with Swift Wind much more interesting.

Arrow noticed that some of Swift Wind's mane had fallen into his mouth. He gently removed it and gave him a kiss. Arrow's stomach began to rumble as he did this, but he wasn't worried about waking Swift Wind- he was a heavy sleeper.

Arrow daydreamt as he pictured himself as a flying unicorn. Going on dates with Swift Wind, talking with Bow, standing by their sides in battle, marrying Swift Wind with Bow as his best man.....

Wait, what was that last one?

Arrow blushed and shook his head. He was getting carried away again. As much as he and Swift Wind loved each other, who ever heard of two horses getting married?

His stomach growled again. Arrow gently nudged his boyfriend off of him and left the stables to get his own food, saving the hay he was munching on earlier for Swift Wind when he woke up.

After giving his eyes a moment to adjust to the sunlight, Arrow walked over to a barrel and started eating some apples.

Just as he finished having a drink of water, Arrow noticed Bow approaching the stables.


Bow ran over to Arrow and gave him a hug.

"Hey buddy!"

Bow looked around at all the other horses having breakfast and noticed that Swift Wind wasn't among them.

"Arrow? Where's Swiftie?"

Arrow motioned for Bow to follow him. Bow followed Arrow into the stables to find Swift Wind brushing his mane and tail.

"Morning, Swiftie. Feel better?"

("Morning, hun. How'd you sleep?")

"Morning you two. I slept well and feel great!" Swift Wind replied. He finished brushing his mane and tail and started applying his eyeliner.

After letting his eyeliner dry, Swift Wind preened his wings, feathers and hay falling to the ground.

"How'd you get hay in your wings? Don't horses sleep standing up?" Bow asked.

"We do, but if we're really tired we lay down." Swift Wind explained, pulling one last piece of hay out of his left wing, another feather falling out in the process.

("Hon, how do you still have feathers? You could stuff a pillow with all the ones you've lost.") Arrow joked, noticing the mess his boyfriend had left all over the floor.

"Trust me, babe, I'm wondering how I still have feathers myself." Swift Wind replied.

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, we used some of the feathers you left in the conference room to make quills." Bow informed.

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