Arrow's Voice

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Swift Wind ran to where the beam had struck his boyfriend, ignoring the pain from the bruise on his side.

Swift Wind's jaw dropped from a mix of confusion and attraction. The unconscious stallion before him was not his boyfriend, but a winged stallion like him.

("And a handsome one at that.....") Swift Wind thought, admiring the stallion.

("Swift Wind, snap yourself out of it! You have a boyfriend!") Swift Wind shook his head in an effort to dismiss those thoughts from his mind.

("Wait a minute-Who is this stallion?! Where's Arrow?! What happened to him?! Is he okay?!")

Possible outcomes began to flood Swift Wind's mind, each one more macabre than the last.

He began to pace nervously, fidget with his mane, and flap his wings erratically.

Swift Wind was abruptly jolted back to reality when he heard the mystery stallion groan.

Swift Wind turned around and gasped as the most handsome stallion he had ever seen shakily rose to his hooves.

"Swift Wind? W-What just happened?" Arrow asked, gasping and covering his mouth with a wing, the realization that he had just spoken hitting him like a freight train.

Had Swift Wind been made of ice, he would've melted at the sound of this handsome stallion's voice, but now was not the time to swoon. Swift Wind shook his head to clear his mind.

"Oh, not much. I tried to reverse my transformation, my boyfriend stopped me, and now there's a handsome stallion talking to me." Swift Wind answered, as casually as he would have given someone the time.

Arrow facepalmed. Any doubt in his mind about his boyfriend being sleep deprived immediately evaporated after hearing that sentence.

"Babe, it's me."

But Swift Wind wasn't convinced.

"How did we meet?"

"I was giving Bow a ride to Plumeria to pick up his tux for Princess Prom, saw you eating all the apples, and asked you what in the First One's names you thought you were doing. Then you said 'What? A horse can't eat?' And I said, 'Oh, he can....but would it kill you to save some apples for the rest of us, you handsome devil?' Then you were like 'What?' and I was like 'What?' Then we talked for so long that one of the Plumerians had to find me and take me back to Bow."

"Yeah, I remember that. He was all 'Oh, your horse made a new friend!' When Bow saw me, I swear, that was the first time I have ever seen a human fall in love and jump out of his skin at the same time."

The horses laughed without a care in the world.

"I mean, you can't blame either of his reactions. He'd never seen a horse as handsome as you before."

Swift Wind playfully rolled his eyes. His boyfriend could be so corny sometimes.

"So, pretty boy, what brings you out at this hour?" Swift Wind asked a question that had been at the roof of his mouth since Arrow had prevented him from reversing his transformation.

"Well, handsome devil, Bright Wing woke me up at the crack of dawn cause you hadn't come back from your walk yet. I told him to go back to bed, maybe you had fallen asleep, right? Nope! He said that the other horses woke up to lights."

"Lights?" Swift Wind scoffed. "Love, it's a quarter past 3."

"Exactly. I figured the lights were only coming from one source. Adora's sword. The same sword you're borrowing." Arrow remarked, pointing to the weapon in question, which had stopped firing beams since then, burying itself Sword of the Stone style into a nearby stone. "Besides, Swift Wind,"- Arrow walked over to his boyfriend and used his new wings to pull him into a hug- "I could ask you the same thing."

Swift Wind returned the loving gesture, resting his head on Arrow's shoulder.

"You-you'd think it's silly." Swift Wind answered.

"No, I know you, Swift Wind. You'd never sneak out at the crack of dawn with Adora's sword to try and take your powers away for a silly reason." Arrow comforted, running his feathers through Swift Wind's mane.

"It's just......" Swift Wind sighed. "Ever since the Battle, I've been feeling like a failure, as if I don't deserve to be Adora's steed. "I know people have been telling me that it isn't my fault, and believe me, Arrow, I want to believe them, but.....I just can't help but feel as if I had just done something, Adora would still be able to see." Swift Wind gently pulled away from the hug, hanging his head in shame.

"Awww, honey....."

Arrow extended one of his rainbow coloured wings-He still couldn't believe he had them-and lifted Swift Wind's chin.

"You are not a failure, Swiftie, okay? Everyone that's been telling you it isn't your fault? They're right. Some people, like Horde soldiers, especially the one who blinded Adora, are sick and twisted, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Swift Wind was well aware of this. The events as of late served as nothing but cruel reminders, Adora's condition rubbing salt in the proverbial wound. 

Swift Wind grinned mischievously as he imagined pummeling Catra until she could no longer walk, breaking every bone in her skeleton, ripping that wiry excuse of a tail off, and skinning her to make a rug. 

Arrow, meanwhile, saw Swift Wind smiling, and was about to lead him back to the stables when he heard his boyfriend laughing evilly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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