More Info On The Characters

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Chemical Smile here, I felt like a description was in order. Basically, I wanted to explain how I as an author, see my own chracters. You might not really care, I dunno...But I felt like I really wanted to post something like this so here we go!

Fronk Oreo:

He's that dude who's sort of an asshole, but deep down he's just been hurt a lot. He's got an arrogant feel to him, but its only to cover up insecurities.

He takes no shit, he'd hit you if you looked at him wrong and he's known for doing just that.

He's got a tough reputation that keeps people away from him, and that is his goal. He's sort of given up on people, he's been used and abused. He's a bit cold at times, he realizes that.

He doesn't care about much, he keeps only two or three people close. He doesn't trust new people, nor does he particularly like them.

He's not very emotional, but when he does experience emotions, they're very strong and passionate.

Fronk holds the few people he cares about very dearly, he would die for them. But other than that, he's not a people person.

Gerard Way:

He's shy, awkward, even a bit of a nerd. A music and comic book nerd that is. He's dorky and uncool, but in the best ways.

He's not particularly confident, but he doesn't think he's the worst thing out there. He's sort of in the middle. He realizes his drawings aren't complete shit, but he's seen better. Artistic and passionate, more the anti-social type.

He's more scared of people, he doesn't hate them. No matter how much he's hurt, he still shows compassion and kindness to others. Generally, an absolute sweetheart who's more awkward that Mikey's knees.

Frank Iero:

The little punk kid down the road who writes lyrics that are like poetry, sings and plays his heart out.

His guitar is his lifeline, writing lyrics is the blood that flows through his veins.

Music is a big part of him, he's very passionate and caring. He's got that sort of child-like innocence when it comes to love.

Instead of being cautious, he jumps right in. He's very sweet, he's got a sense of humor that would make even the notorious poker-faced Mikey Way crack a smile.

But don't get him wrong, he'd kick major ass for his friends and family. He's not really someone you wanna fuck with.

Gerard Gay:

A bit smaller than Gerard Way, height and frame wise. He stands at about 5'5, while Gerard Way is roughly 5'9 or 5'10.

He gives off a delicate and beautiful vibe, he's definitely more flamboyant and 'girly' than most. He's beautiful, but broken.

After being used so many times by so many people, his confidence/self esteem got really bad. He began cutting to cope with way he felt. He's sweet, sassy and everything you could ask for.

He can be your sugar, but he can also be the poison that kills you.

He's got a dark side, his favorite activity is practicing his aim at the shooting range.

Not someone you really wanna fuck with.

Mikey Way:

The younger of the two Way brothers, very reserved and practical. Intelligent, observant and sort of critical.

He's very protective of Gerard, since he's the more responsible of the two. Gerard doesn't get into much trouble, but that doesn't stop Mikey from worrying.

Generally very accepting of his brother, and always tries to help him. Even if it doesn't work out the best way. He's not afraid to tell the cold hard truth, he doesn't put it lightly. He tells it how it is, sometimes its for the best, other times..Not so much. But, you can always count on his loyalty and honesty, as long as you don't betray him.

So...That's kind of it..Hope you liked this, if you didn't I'm sorry. Vote, comment let me know what ya think!

Thanks for reading, until next time.

So long and goodnight!


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