ch. 3

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Turns out, the new neighbor was my age and went to my high school. His name was Jimin, which didn't really fit for the hard looking boy. He acted really tough as well and to say I was intimidated would be an understatement. He immediately became friends with the other two pretty boys of the school, Jungkook and Seokjin. To which I found odd because the trio looked like they didn't belong together at all. Jungkook was the emo pretty boy, Seokjin was THE pretty pink boy, and Jimin just looked like some old biker dude from Grease.

I knew he would make friends quickly, especially with a pretty face like that.

"Hey babe, we should see a movie tonight." I say because i really wanted to see Detective Pikachu.

"Can't, got shit to do." He says bluntly.

"Like what?"

He sighs angrily and slams me against the lockers. I let out a whimper, my eyes widening and my cheeks flushed. "Mind your own fucking business you fucking fat ass slut." He spits in my face and then walks away. Hoseok and Taehyung watched with shocked faces but I didn't care about them right now. I just got humiliated in front of the whole school by one of the most popular guys here. I tear up and run to the bathroom, going into the biggest stall and slamming it shut.

I cried hard. Am I really a slut? Am I really fat like he and my brother says? I bring my knees to my chest, resting my head upon them as I began to cry silently. Maybe I deserved this.

Suddenly, I hear the bathroom door open, making my heart stop. Please don't let it be Joon, please don't let it be Joon, please don't let it be Joon, please don't-

"Uh hello?" It's not him, but I have no idea who
it is so I started silent.

"It's me uh, your new next door neighbor." I freeze as my cheeks go red. Of course he had to see everything as well.

"Look, I saw you run in here and I just want to make sure that you're okay and that you don't do anything stupid." I raise my head at his words, slowly getting up and unlocking the stall then quickly going back into my original position. I jump a bit when I feel very strong arms wrap around me. It makes me cry harder.

"He's an asshole don't listen to him kitten." I blush furiously at the pet name. He begins to rub circles along my back. I'm getting kind of sleepy. The last thing I feel before I fall asleep was him picking me up and carrying me somewhere.

I jolt awake and look around me. I am not in my room at all. Instead I'm in a room filled with classic rock posters, a messy ass desk, a few guitars laying around, and a couple boxes with labels I can't read. I jump when I hear a sudden voice, whipping my head to see Jimin. Holy shit.

"I-I'm sorry, what did you say?" He chuckles and walks over to me.

"I said, do you want something to eat kitten?" I don't know, do I? I keep getting called fat when I could've sworn I wasn't.

"And the long silence. I'll just make you some soup." I snap out of my thoughts to see him walking away, but I didn't say yes or no? I rub my temple as I feel a big migraine coming on. I used to get them all the time when I was younger. It starts to worsen, causing me to fall to the floor, maybe it's not a migraine. My vision becomes spotty and I pass out.

"No dad, I just took him from school because his asshole of a boyfriend was being a dick to him and I couldn't get into his house and no he had no key. Yes  of course I tried to feed him but the poor boy passed out and fell onto my floor. I don't think he should go back home dad, I can hear the screams coming from their house at night and I have a bad feeling it's coming from hi-"

I flutter my eyes open, the room being completely dark, only a lamp right beside me radiating very little light. I see Jimin on the phone, talking to someone, a lace of stress in his voice, it's probably my fault. "Oh Yoongi! You're awake! Okay I'll call you back later dad." He walks towards me sits down on the bed next to me. I see him reach over for something, a bowl now in his hands.

"You never ate earlier, figured you should now. It's a little late but it's okay." He hands me the bowl and I begin to eat the soup, a content look ghosting my face.

"I'm sorry about what happened today Yoongi-" I stop him right there.

"How do you know my name?"

"Ah, one of your friends, Hoseok I believe? Told me." I nod in reason, continuing to eat the soup, which was really good by the way.

"Thank you Jimin, you didn't have to do this." I say shyly.

"It's the least I can do for you kitten." I pretend like I didn't hear him say the pet name again.

Am I also like a kitten too?

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