ch. 4

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Today was the last day of school before our summer holiday began. Most people had plans to travel and hang out with friends. However my plans consisted of catching up on tv shows and possibly playing Minecraft till 4 am.

Namjoon is going out of the country for the first half of break, Hoseok is staying here (a good contender to hang out with), and Tae is partaking in acting school (rumor has it that Seokjin is too). As for the new next door neighbor, we haven't spoken since that day he took me to his home. After eating, I told him that it was best if I went back to my own home, but he was very persistent. It took me at least 10 minutes of convincing and minimal begging for him to let me go. I still can't fathom as to why he even cared about me. I could see him peering at my house through his window or whenever he's doing yard work. I want to speak to him again, but I'm still very embarrassed about what had happened a few days ago.

As for my eating, I eat three meals a day and the results are finally starting to show. My cheekbones are no longer hallow, my tummy is starting to reveal itself, and my thighs are getting much bigger (which I love because I have a huge thigh kink). Of course my brother continues to mock me and my mother makes no move to stop him. Speaking of her, she is leaving the country as well to visit our dad in North America, which is where I'm trying to go very soon. At first I told myself it would be when school gets out, but now that it's the last day and I graduate tomorrow, I have no money to take me to
such places, therefore extending my days here a bit longer. Hopefully a year is all it takes. I miss my father very much, however the anger of him leaving me with these two is still very prominent. I was so young when he left that it surprises me that I even feel any types of negative emotions towards him. But it is what it is. I'm just ready to see him again. Being here with my mom and brother is too tiring.

Today I decided I would be weighing myself for the first time in months. I used to be 95 lbs, so let's hope I went up.

I stepped on the scale.


My eyes lit up and my mouth hung open in shock. I couldn't believe it. I was so close to being a healthy weight. I started to to tear up, doing a mini victory dance in the middle of my bathroom. I couldn't be happier.

I needed to tell Hoseok!

I quickly got ready and rushed to school (of course grabbing an apple and a granola bar for breakfast).

By the time I arrived, there was still 20 minutes till we had to be in our first period class. I spotted my boyfriend and skipped up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Baby~ guess what!" He ignored me and slowly turned around to face me within my arms. His face displayed a look of pure annoyance, which made me feel very small.

"What?" He finally said. Well now I don't want to tell him because he doesn't even seem to care in the first place. I still tell him anyways, might as well since Hoseok is here too.

"My weight is 125lbs!" I say, excitement laced in my voice just from the thought of it. All of the sudden, a look of pure disgust splatters on his face. He pushes me away, causing me to stumble back.

"Woah yay Yoongi! I'm so happy for you bro!" Hoseok says, coming up to me and hugging me tightly. I would usually hug back, but I just felt my heart drop once more. Why would Namjoon be disgusted with me? Did he not want me to get better? This is the second time he's been violent with me. Am I really that fat? There was a sudden snapping of fingers in front of my face, causing me to jump slightly.

"Earth to Yoongi!" It was Hoseok.


"Are you okay? You spaced out for a minute there buddy. The first bell already rang, we need to get to class like now." I nod and follow him numbly to our first period.

By the time lunch rolled around, I did not feel like eating, especially with Namjoon at my side. But I guess Hoseok knew of my motives because he here comes with two trays in hand, setting one down in front of me. I smile weakly at him and begin to eat slowly. Namjoon payed no attention to me as he was talking to Seokjin, who is standing right behind me. I could hear him flirting with the pretty pink boy. It wasn't till his friend Jungkook grabbed the boy by his arm, dragging him to their table. Namjoon scoffs and turns back around me his seat. He doesn't even say anything to me.

I suddenly feel a light tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Jimin, an instant blush coating my cheeks.

"Hello Yoongi, how are you today?" Why is he talking to me?

"I-I'm okay." He smiles brightly, causing me to blush even more and look down a bit.

"Ah that's good! See you around, kitten." Whispering the last part. He ruffles my hair and walks away to his own table. I look over at Hoseok, but he's just looking at me with a goofy smile and a knowing look. Namjoon is on his phone. Thank god.

The school day has already come to an end. The teachers informing us of our schedule for tomorrow because we are seniors. A graduating ceremony is going to be held in our gym since not many people go to our school anyways. Luckily, it didn't start till noon. But despite that, tomorrow is the same day Namjoon and my mom are leaving. I asked Hoseok if he wanted to go out to eat after graduation, to which he said, "Of course, but we are going to the new Cheesecake Factory." Taehyung is coming as well. I want to ask Jimin, but it turns out Hoseok already did that for me (I smacked him for doing so). Because of this, Jungkook and Seokjin are coming as well and apparently Namjoon too from what I heard earlier, his flight now being delayed.

I just wanted it to be Hoseok and I (and possibly Jimin but really just Hoseok).

I am now back in my own home, currently chilling on the couch and playing video games. Fortunately for me, my brother is at some hotel and will be for the next few days. Making it just me around here.

I wonder what Jimin is doing. The reoccurring memory of him calling me kitten continues to make me blush and feel all giddy inside.

I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

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