ch. 5

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After the graduation ceremony, we all ended up going to our local McDonalds because Cheesecake Factory was too expensive. I decided to not eat while Namjoon was there, I didn't want him thinking I was fat. Jimin just kept giving me worried glances, but I don't know why. Hoseok and Taehyung talked amongst themselves. I felt really small and alone.

So I was thankful when everyone was ready to leave. Namjoon went straight to the airport afterwards, not even saying goodbye to me, which kind of hurt but it's okay I guess. Taehyung left and Hoseok had to go back to his home where there was a small party waiting for him. Seokjin and Jungkook left to do their own thing, leaving Jimin and me.

I began my walk home, putting my hands into my pockets, humming a soft melody as I walked along the pavement. It wasn't till I felt a light tapping on my shoulder is when I realized I had dozed off while walking. "Hey kitten~" I blush instantly and look down. What? My feet seem very entertaining.

"You didn't eat doll~ why not?" Jimin asked, now at my side walking with me. I shrug, pouting slightly.

"Well~ I didn't eat either becauseeee I'm going to take you to the new Cheesecake Factory!" I stop and look at him. "W-What? W-Why?"

"Because we both didn't eat so that means we need to and I know how you wanted to go there in the first place~ It's my treat kitten~" I puffed my cheeks and just nod. What else can I do without embarrassing myself even further? Jimin giggles and grabs my hand, immediately turning us around and walking back towards the restaurants. We continue to walk for awhile, my hand feeling very warm.

"No! I want the hershey's cheesecake- wait no not that one, actually I'll have the-" I was giggling at Jimin's indecisiveness on which cheesecake he wanted. We both had finished our main meals and now he was choosing a cheesecake for us.

"Ah you know what fuck it, we'll get the Cinnabon Cinnamon Swirl cheesecake please~" The waiter takes our order then leaves.

"Uwaaa~~ doesn't that sound so good!" I giggle more and nod.

"It sounds delicious Jiminie~"

-You know you're going to have to work that off right?

I suddenly get quiet as Jimin checks his phone.

-It would be even better if you threw it all up. Jimin would never want to be with a fatty like you.

I pout, looking down and playing with my thumbs.

"Alright gentlemen, here's your cheesecake! I'll get the check for you two. Split or on one?"

"On one please." Jimin answers. I keep silent.

Jimin instantly dives into the creamy deliciousness but for some reason I lost my appetite. He eats a few more bites then looks at me.

"You're not going to eat any kitten?" I blush once more but shake my head. "No, not right now." He nods and eats some more before putting in a to go box. He pays for our food and then we head back home.

-Thank god you guys are walking. You seriously need to burn off all of those calories. If anything you should run, it might make you get sick too.

I suddenly begin to jog lightly.

"Yoongi what are you doing?"

"J-Just j-jogging?" I say, but it comes out more like a question.

"Don't do that silly goose, that will make you get sick and not that I don't mind carrying you and all, but it's a little too hot for you to be doing this anyways."

-Don't listen to him, he just doesn't want to carry you. Don't pass out or else that will make you a burden to him. We don't want that now do we?

I stop jogging and begin to walk again.


The moment I got home, I rush up to my bathroom and let everything out. I ate too much way too much. There's a sudden knock at the door.

"Glad you're finally getting your shit together Yoongi, don't want to pound into a fatass later on." I let out a strangled cry. I flush the toilet then curl myself in on the bathroom floor. Everything hurts.

-It's only the beginning Yoongi

I'm trying to avoid authors notes in here but I am truly sorry for the lack of anything in this chapter. I just figured I had to get something out. Hopefully the writers block will go away soon. I'm so sorry :(

bite [my.pj]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora