Chapter 13

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"My queen." Korb whispered, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She awoke to find the two in bed together, the sunlight shining through the now opened windows.
"Good morning, my lord husband." She sat up in bed, stretching. He strung an arm around her, as the two laid in bed together. The wedding went perfectly, as did the reception. After the bedding, Sansa only left to get herself lemon cakes and went straight to bed. Only Korb stayed late enough for the guests to leave. The last thing she remembered was him unlacing the back of her dress, as she lay half asleep. A sudden knock at the door disrupted the two from their dreamy morning.
      "Go away." Korb mumbled under his breath, hiding his face in Sansa's bare chest.
      "Who is it?" Sana'a called, pulling the blanket over her and Korb.
      "Maester Macor, your grace. We have just received a letter from Kings Landing."
      "Come in." Sansa quickly covered herself in the grey silk and feather robe. Korb was forced to abandon his hiding and covered himself with the blankets of her bed.
The maester entered, placing the letter into Sansa's hand. The golden dire wolf shimmered in the sun. She ripped open the letter and read.
      To Miss and Mister Stark,
      We at the crown want to congratulate your                      happiness. We wish you many sons and daughters to come. Daenerys Targaryen is alive, and resides in the city of Meereen. We've called you, Master of laws and your lordly husband to Kings Lansing to discuss the matter. Your uncle Edmure Tullu joins as well, as master of war. Safe travels, Samwell Tarly. Head maester.
Sansa froze, dropping the letter from her hands. She's alive.
      "My love, what is it?" He called, pulling Sansa from her trance.
      "The dragon queen is alive. I don't know how but she is. She'll come to kill us." Sansa stared in her husbands eyes.
      "By the old gods she won't." He placed a hand onto her cheek as a small comfort.
      "Jon, he's safe. He's away from her thank the gods."
      "We should ride immediately. They'll need you on their small counsel."
Sansa slipped a black dress on, a silver direwolf outlined in her needlework. A thick, black cloak buttoned under her collarbones with the same symbol. She made her way to the stables, as her husband met her there. A sword with a black fox stuck from his sword belt.
      "You won't take an army?" The maester cried, worry filled his old, tired face.
      "I was the greatest assassin that lived in Essos. My wife is safe with me."
The couple set off down the path, the northern winds pulling at their clothes.
      "What do you think they'll do, about the dragon queen?" Sansa spoke to her husband, his white stallion trotted on the path.
     "The best is to take her before she reaches Westeros. I'm not sure how they'll do that though."
       "You can't tell them you were an assassin."
Korb turned to her, "Why? If I had the chance to protect you and our family, why wouldn't I?"
Sansa's face turned to fear. "She's crazy. She'll kill you and it's a risk I cannot stand. I need my lord husband at Winterfell."
Korb stopped his horse, trotting to were Sansa stopped hers.
      "The dragon queen cannot, and will not lay hands on me. If i was sent over to rid of her, i would be home to you as quickly as i left. I was trained by the North's finest men. No eunuch solider or Dothraki can keep me from you."
Sansa stared into his eyes, her own were red.
      "Men slip up. Men make mistakes."
Korb kissed her on the forehead,
      "That won't happen, my lady."

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