Chapter 18

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Reid's belly began to protrude with each passing month. He had refused to let her hunt at this point, fearing the danger it put her in. It had been weeks. They've made it past the wall, Kings Landing, the Riverlands, the Twins, and they approached Kings Landing. They had to abandon their thick furs for lighter material. Jon wore a light grey tunic with grey pants, Erid however was not as happy in her new clothing. None of the pants fit her belly, so she wore a simple white gown.
      "It's not even comfortable to ride in." She groaned. As a wildling girl she'd never worn a dress in her life.
      "There might be a different reason." He smiled as she rolled her grey eyes.
At long last they had approached the gates of Kings Landing. A woman on horseback came out to meet them, Brianne of Tarth.
      "Jon Snow." She nodded to him, as he nodded back politely. She turned to Erid.   
      "Who's this?" She looked her up and down, catching sight of her belly.
      "My wife, Erid." Jon spoke, as he gave her a reassuring smile.
      "I'll take you to the Red Keep." Brianne gave the couple a slight smile as they headed through the gates.
Erid stared in awe of the stone houses that lined the streets of Kings Landing.
      "It's all so beautiful." She whispered to Jon, a curious and playful smile across her face.
      "You'll get to see it all too."
When Erid caught sight of the Red Keep, he'd never seen her eyes so big.
      "That's one building!" She cried in amazement." Brianne turned her head to watch the two, smiling.
Servants took the groups horses, leading them close to the steps of the castle. Jon hopped off the horse first, walking towards Erid and helping her off.
      "I'm not completely helpless." She smiled as Jon placed a hand on her belly.
      "Aye, but that's my child with you."
Brianne walked them to a chamber, "I'll have the council meet you outside, to welcome you." She smiled, closing the door.
Erid leapt onto the great feather bed, giggling.
      "You sleep on clouds in your kingly houses too?" She burrowed herself into the canopied bed. Jon wasn't sure if he was ever going to get her out. He laid down next to her, putting his arms around her.
      "In the capital, they have regular washrooms. They have servants to do things for you here too." Erid stared at him in amazement.
      "This is an amazing place. I never want to leave here." She smiled. A knock at the door brought the attention of Jon. He kissed her on the forehead.
      "I'll be back. I need to talk to the counsel."
He strolled to the door, opening it and shutting it behind him. There, stood Sansa.
      "They sent my husband away. And I'm with child." Her eyes were red, she wore a simple nightgown still at noon.
      "Sister, I'm so sorry." He enveloped her in his arms, patting her back. After a while, he pulled away.
      "Is the other counsel here?"
Sansa nodded, "They're in the room. I won't be attending." She walked away before Jon could say another word.
In the room sat Bran, Ser Davos, Edmure, Bronn, Brianne, and Gendry.
      "Welcome, Jon. Have you been filled with the new information." Bran spoke. Jon shook his head.
      "Daenerys is alive in Volantis. With the help of the red priestess she was able to buy ships and call upon the unsullied and the Greyjoy's. They'll be meeting her in Meereen. We sent lord Korb Stark. He used to be an assassin in Essos. She has an unhatched dragon egg at this moment. She doesn't know how to hatch it."
Jon's throat tightened thinking of Daenerys. He nodded slowly, telling him he understood.
      "Jon Snow, how did taking the black go?" Bronn smirked. "I heard about your wildling lady."
Eyes landed on Gendry, as he shrugged unknowingly.
Bran's voice broke the awkward silence.
      "Korb is in danger." He whispered, his eyes twisting into confusion and fear.

A/N: Thank you so much to my followers who like and comment, you all keep me going and encourage me to write even more! I love reading all your comments ❤️. If you're interested, I'm writing two new stories on my page titled Among the young wolf and Treasured! It won't effect my uploading on this story though! Thank you for all your constant support.

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