Chapter 17

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Dany laid in bed, next to Daario, the cool night air from Meereen blew into the open windows. It had been two weeks since she arrived in her city. Her army had been amassed from the three cities, and the Unsullied were spotted near Volantis, they would be here in another week. Daenerys stared at her dragon egg.
      "I want to try to hatch it before I go to Kings Landing." She spoke. She had tried putting it in a fire, yet no luck. Daario snaked his his arms around her waist, going to kiss her neck.
      "Daario. I can't risk being pregnant and having a child when I'm so close to the Kingdoms."
      "You said yourself, you wanted to wait until your dragon is big enough." He placed a hand on her leg. Daenerys looked to him, and shook her head.
      "I refuse to put our child into such dangers at this point. Like I was put through."
Daario modded understandingly, as he laid down next to the queen. He looked to her short boyish haircut. It had only grown to her ears by now.
      "What happened?" He spoke, feeling his hand through her hair.
      "When the Dothraki are defeated, they cut all their braids to show their shame." She spoke, placing a hand on his face, "But when I take the seven kingdoms back, I'll have longer hair worth braiding."
He gave her a kiss on the forehead. They both laid together, limbs entangled and arms over themselves. Daenerys thoughts took over. Bani had made well adjustments, she'd made Daenerys beautiful dresses from the exotic fabrics and gems of Meereen. Tomorrow morning she was seeing her family. Mativa was enrolled with a tutor, teaching her basic maths, language, and history. They'd seemed to enjoy Meereen. She couldn't wait to take them to Dragonstone.  She imagined Mativa running through the empty halls, marveling at the dragon statues that decorated the empty castle. She imagined Bani looking across the crystal blue waters, reading and sewing.
A guard threw open the door to the room she and Daario shared. "Daario, there's trouble outside we need your help."
Daario kissed Dany, before getting dressed and running down to help. Daenerys laid in bed, she tried to stay up to wait for him, but she'd already grown too tired. She allowed sleep to take over, and she closed her eyes and drifted off.
A hand grabbed Dany by the neck and threw her onto the stone floor. The wind was knocked from her as she struggled to breathe. She flailed her arms, searching for her attacker but they had already bound her hands. Daenerys shoved the figure but it has little effect, she tried to crawl but they grabbed her legs, binding them as well. She struggled against the ropes, they began to burn and dig into her skin. She still fought, screaming and making as much noise as possible. The person grabbed Dany and dragged her by the arm, leaving her legs to scrape on the rough stone flooring, while taking her to the main room. There, Bani and Mativa held the same fate.
      "Take What you want please, just don't hurt them." Daenerys cried. Daario was nowhere to be seen.
In the moonlight, she could see the figure was a man. He held a head thick, black curly hair. He took out a dagger from his belt, walking to Daenerys. She could see the silver engravings, with the pommel a black fox with silver eyes.
      "I don't want anything from you." His voice was rough and dry, he pointed the knife to Daenerys. She froze as he walked to the two women. He walked up behind Bani, the sound of Mativa's gibberish begging drowned his footsteps. Bani began to tremble as he yanked back her hair.
      "Please leave her alone! It's me you want!" She screamed. Daenerys caught sight of Bani looking at her. Her eyes began to well up, as Bani met her eye.
      "My Queen-" Bani was cut off by the knife piercing her belly, slashing from side to side in her abdomen.
Mativa let out a cry, as Daenerys did the same. Bani dropped to the floor of the great pyramid, A scarlet pool formed around her. The man walked towards Mativa, as she tried to get away. He picked her up by he  long curly hair, producing cries from her. She kicked and fought with her bound legs and arms. The man held the knife to the throat of the young girl, when the running of footsteps caught the mans attention, dropping Mativa to the floor. Another dark figure jumped on the man, and the sound of fists hitting flesh filled the room.
      "Daario, don't kill him." She cried. Mativa scurried towards Daenerys, tears streaming down her face.
The aftermath was cleaned, and Daenerys and Mativa were freed. Daenerys held Mativa in her arms. "Take him to the prisons, keep him guarded. Tomorrow we will interrogate." Mativa sobbed into her chest. Daario wrapper the two into a hug. "I'm so sorry. I should've been here."
Mativa crawled into the bed with Daenerys and Daario, sleeping next to Daenerys. The man wrapped the two under his arm, as they slipped into restless sleep.

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