Chapter 42

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She approached the red keep, There, Tyrion and Bran stood, with the kings guard in front of them.
"You can either bend the knee now, or die." Daenerys spoke. She wouldn't have another treason costing her life. The group stood still.
      "We won't serve you." Brianne spat, drawing her sword. The rest of the guard followed her lead.
Daenerys turned to Greyworm.
      "Take the imp and the king."
The unsullied marched forward, as the kings guard lifted their their swords, circling around the group. One by one, they were picked off by Unsullied spears, leaving only Brianne.
      "Brianne." Bran called. She turned to face her king.
      "Stop. It's over."
      "No...I was sworn to protect you. I won't serve another ruler." She called, fending off an Unsullied soldier. A spear from behind pierced right under her ribs, dropping her to the ground. She fought with the wound, trying her best to hold pressure on it, choking from the blood filling her lungs.
The Unsullied grabbed Tyrion and Brandon, taking them to the cells under the keep
Daenerys stepped over the bodies of the kings guard, turning to her soldier.
"Take the swords you've collected from the North and Kings Landing, put them where I told you. I have an old partner to visit now."

Slowly, she crept down the hall, peering into the cells, only to find Tyrion's, a dingy lamp hung in the stone cell.
"You dog. You tucked your tail between your legs and hid, again. But what master will you run to now, now that Jon isn't here?" Daenerys spat. She stared down at her once ally and trusted friend. Her heart hurt. So many times she had been betrayed. But she knew she must be strong. She must push through.
      "You'll see me make history, Tyrion Lannister. Right after you're burned alive for your treason."
She turned to face down the hall. An unsullied soldier opened the door of a cell. He turned to face Daenerys, his eyes white.
      "Dovaogedy!" Daenerys called, as the unsullied man charged at Daenerys, spear in hand. She threw herself to the side, narrowly escaping the spear. She heard the rush of footsteps down the stairs, as the soldier turned to her, thrusting the spear towards her she turned, taking hold of the staff. She pulled down, as he struggled to pull it up once more to strike. Greyworm speared the man through the head, as Daenerys quickly came out from underneath the man.
"What happened?" He called, staring down the hallway.
There, Brandon Stark sat.
"Blindfold him!" Daenerys cried out, as the unsullied followed her lead, placing him in the very back of the hall cell, leaving him in the darkness.

Daenerys stood in the room where her throne once was. There, all the swords from the North and Kings Landing lay, piled together like a haystack.
"Bring Sansa Stark and Tyrion Lannister here. Send a message to Dragonstone to bring back Jon Snow, and my daughter."

Sansa and Tyrion were brought to the room in shackles, held onto by her soldiers.
"My child destroyed the iron throne when Jon Snow killed me in this very room. Now, you'll be able to witness history for yourself." Daenerys called, smiling as she began walking to the two.
An earth shattering screech disrupted Daenerys's speech, as Drogon appeared behind the stack of swords.
"Dracarys!" Daenerys called.
A sea of flames drew down onto the stack of iron, Melting and fusing the swords together, into a seat fit for the queen. The rightful queen. The heat was so intense, it nearly burnt the red carpets that had been laid out down the hall. Once the fire had died down, there lay a new throne, burning red hot.
"You've got your throne back. What will be done to us? What of my babe?" Sansa spoke.
Daenerys smiled down on her, taking her chin in her hand.
"You will rot below in prisons with your brother. I'll be taking your child. He'll be a perfect courtship when my daughter becomes of age. If he rejects the ways of his biological mother, he'll be running the North with her at his side." She smiled.
Sansa's face twisted into that of horror, she was speechless.
Daenerys turned to Tyrion, grabbing his ash covered tunic.
"Ill have no mercy for you. You lived like a dog, you'll die as one now." She shoved him forward, towards the lumbering dragon in the room. He stepped forward, observing Tyrion.
"I, Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, and Lady Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, sentence you to die."
Daenerys paused, her throat burned as she stared at her old friend.

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