Daenerys"My queen, our ships are prepared. Our battle plans drawn and ready." Greyworm spoke, as Daenerys placed a hand over her large belly. A swift kick to her spine brought her kneeling over, a groan of pain escaping her lips.
"Love, are you okay?" Daario spoke, placing a hand on her back.
"I'm- Im fine." She stuttered, slowly arising again. Their child had become more and more restless, even tossing and turning when Dany tried to sleep. Another kick landed on her pelvis, Dany dropped to her knees in pain, as they slammed against the stone flooring of the pyramid. A puddle began to emerge from under her, as she placed her hands on the cool stone to steady herself.
"The queens in labor!" Daario yelled, lifting Dany up bridal-style. Slowly he carried her to the room they had prepared, with a lounging sofa and sheets.
"Go get the midwife." Daario ordered a guard, as he left the room quickly. Daario grabbed Dany's hand, as she squeezed it tightly. She felt a wave of pain build tensely in her, as she gripped tightly. Slowly, it subsided, as she let out a sigh of relief.
"How do you feel?" He spoke, moving the hair from her sweat stained face.
"Just a little pain." Daenerys forced a smile as another crashing wave of pain rolled in. A young woman rushed into the room, carrying a sachet with her.
"When did her water break?" She spoke, moving up Daenerys dress.
"Just a few minutes ago, the baby kept kicking me, and it broke." Daenerys responded, clutching Daarios hand.
"This babe is coming now." The midwife spoke. "I'm going to need you to push in a little bit."The labor was much longer than the midwife had once thought, for hours the twisting pains came and went, like the rolling tides of the sea. Finally, the hour came where the pain traveled downward, dropping to the lower part of the body.
"Push!" The midwife exclaimed, as Daenerys followed.A squealing noise filled the room, as Daenerys eyes opened. In the midwifes hands was a screaming pink babe.
"It's a girl." She smiled, cleaning the eyes and the nose of the baby, as she placed it on Daenerys chest. Daario and Dany stared in awe of their babe. Her white hair shone in the dawn light.
"Her mother's hair." He smiled, placing a hand on the baby's back. "I think you should pick the name."
Daenerys stared down at the new life she had created, smiling.
"Visenya Dawn Targaryen. After my time has come, she'll lead the way in Westeros. Just as Visenya the first of her name, she'll be as smart, as strong, as beautiful."
"And as perfect as her mother." Daario smiled, kissing Daenerys on the forehead.
"Please, fetch Yara and Greyworm so we can work out the time of our attack." Daenerys spoke, moving her dress aside so she could feed her baby.
"My queen....don't you think it's wise to rest?" The midwife spoke. "You only just gave birth."
"I'm aware. And now I want my allies, so I can plan when our attack will be." She spoke, feeling the fine white hair of Visenya.
"I'm going to Dragonstone first. I have a little visit to pay to an old friend."

Reborn In Fire And Blood
Fanfiction~THIS PICKS UP WHERE SEASON 8 ENDED~ With the searing pain in her heart, she pulled and fought with her lungs and the air, her throat beginning to sore and tighten, her limbs numb and lacking their strength. She slid to the ground, only to see the k...