Chapter 29

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Perseus couldn't help but sigh at the situation they all found themselves in.

You'd think after winning a game of capture the flag against the Hunters for the first time they'd all catch a break and find some time to rejoice or celebrate or anything. But nope, the camp counselors, Mr. D, Chiron, and Zoe and a few of her Hunters were sitting around the ping pong table in the rec room discussing the ominous prophecy given by the oracle who was back in her place at the attic after Percy so graciously offered to levitate her back there.

What fun.

Also, the prophecy? Even more fun.

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

Hearing those somber words had snuffed out any feeling of celebration left amongst the campers. Everybody was tense, Dionysus had called all the cabin leaders for a meeting to discuss the quest that was undoubtedly going to happen. Zoe had immediately wanted to go with her Hunters the moment she heard the prophecy but Chiron had reminded her of the line saying campers and hunters must work together.

So, it was then decided that three Hunters and two campers would go since it was only fair that more of the Hunters look for their goddess. Zoe was obviously one of the three with Phoebe and Bianca accompanying her. Phoebe was the Hunt's best tracker and Zoe had thought it important for Bianca to gain experience. Now, the campers that were going? Surprising yet unsurprising.

Thalia and Perseus. Originally, Zoe hadn't want the latter to come but Percy had been adamant about being able to join the search in order to look for Annabeth.

"I know plenty more spells then what I showed today, many of them may prove useful for tracking and hiding" Nightshade shook her head "you're a boy, I won't have a boy traveling with my hunters."

Leaning back on his seat, the son of Poseidon sighed "listen, I get you're reservations about that but this isn't the time for you to hold your ground because of tradition or whatnot, your goddess is missing, one of my best friends is missing, we need the best people on the job and this isn't me being arrogant but I have magic that's proven to be very useful in a quest."

"Also, if the reason you're so hesitant about me coming is the whole swearing off boys things and you don't want me attempting to woo your Hunters or whatever the fuck then there isn't much to worry about because I frankly don't give a shit about sex or romance so I swear on whatever you want me to swear on that there will be no funny business from me" everybody seemed taken aback by Percy's exclamation.

".. You know, he is the most logical option other than me to go. And you heard it from the man himself he's probably asexual or something so what harm can he do right?" Thalia shrugged.

"He's right Zoe, it's your decision at the end of the day but I do believe Perseus will be able to greatly aid you in your journey" Chiron says softly and Zoe narrowed her eyes.

"Fine" the words were filled with scorn "but I swear boy if thy come near my hunters I will cut of your manhood and feed it to the wolves."

All the males in the room winced except for Percy who merely brushed of the very real threat to his person "trust me Miss Nightshade, the only person who is in this camp at this very moment who I might be attracted to is Beckendorf" the dark haired boy winked at the son of Hephaestus who laughed wholeheartedly along with the other campers present.

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