p r o l o g u e

31 3 2

The hot sun is beating down on the top of my head as well as the fellow members in the mini van. Turning to the left, I look at my brother, he looks back.

Kim Taehyung.

My friend and my brother. He's smiling, serenading me with what ever up beat song was playing on the radio, resulting in the corners of my mouth to curve into a grin.

We have very similar features. His features are more intense and striking than mine. Being a female, my features are a bit softer than his.

I trusted Taehyung with my life. He was more than a brother to me. He was a friend. Taehyung has always looked after me before he looked after himself.

He's my brother.

I look to my right.

And he's my best friend.

Jung Hoseok.

He was bright and bubbly. Just like the sun. Positive vibes just seeped out of him like it was natural. The radiance was evident every time a bright smile cascaded across his beautiful features. No no, not handsome. Not that tough bad boy look. He was beautiful. Jung Hoseok was soft. Truly a work of art.

He smiles as he begins to serenade me as well with the sound of pop music that was blasting throughout the vehicle.

That was back when I felt at peace,

I had no conflicting feelings or problems,

No tragedy happened,

No tough decisions were to be made,

Everything was perfect.....
Except one thing.

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