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Even though I had been wide awake for 3 hours now, I just sat in my bed. The motivation had been sucked out of me, leaving me exhausted.

My door opened. Min Yoongi was standing in my doorway, blank expression as per usual.

"I see you're awake. Just making sure you're well. You're usually out in the living room before everyone else."


I scratched the back of my neck.

"I'm just tired."

"Talk to me if you need to."

Was the only thing he said before walking out of the door. Min Yoongi was observant. Very observant to the point where it can be scary sometimes.

He always noticed when I wasn't myself. It's like he knew everything I was thinking. Yoongi could read me like a one paged book. And sometimes I hated it. I knew I could never share my feelings with anyone because nobody would ever understand. Maybe it's for the best? I don't fucking know.

After I found some sort of motivation to shower and put on clothes that weren't pajamas, I walked out into the living room. A sweet smell was lingering in the air.

"Did someone make breakfast?"

I asked as seven boys on the couch turned to face me. All of them just stared at me for a moment as silence swallowed the room. Jin finally spoke up.

"Yeah, your plate is on the table. I figured you would wake up soon."


I was awake. I just did not want to get up. Staring down at my empty plate, I completely zoned out. Thinking was the only thing I could do that didn't require motivation.


A voice next to me made me jump a bit, snapping me out of my trance like state. It was Jungkook, waving his hand in front of my face.

"You've been done for a few minutes now. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine Kook. I just zoned out, that's all."

The maknae hovered over me, giving me the signature 'Yeah, sure. That's totally what happened' look.

"Jimin sent me. He wants to talk to you."

Light pink spread across my features. What could he possibly want to talk to me about?

"Okay where is he?"

"He just went to his room, he should still be in there."

I nodded, standing up from the chair I was in. As I walked down the long hallway my nerves got way worse. I opened his bedroom door hesitantly.

"Hi Jimin. Jungkook sent me, he said you needed to talk to me."

Jimin smiled at me, like he always does when we come into contact with eachother.

"Yes! I need your help. I have a date and I don't know what to wear."


Park Jimin is going on a date.


My stomach turned, but not in the good way it usually does when I see him. I felt like my mind shut off for a good second. The thought of Jimin having interest in someone else made my heart drop.

"Yes, I'll help you."

But no matter how bad it hurt, I wanted to see him happy. Part of me wanted to see him happy and smiling, but the other part of me didn't want him to look at any girl the way I hoped he would look at me one day.

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