"Hobi, I do love you what are you talking about?"

I was completely oblivious. Of course I loved him, he was one of the closest people to me.

"No (Y/N) you know that's not what I'm talking about."
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. There was no way.....


"I love you."

Those words replayed in my mind over and over like a song on repeat. As he exited the room there was so much that I wanted to say but the words just couldn't come out.

How come he's never told me he felt this way? My heart felt like it was being squeezed.

Hoseok. My bright and happy best friend who never fails to make me smile. The one who always know what to say and how to make me feel happy again.

Is in love with me?

No, this must be a mistake.

But I know it's not.

I thought back to the day we were all piled in the car. He looked over at me with the most beautiful saccharine smile on his face. The sun beating down on his head made his hair look light and his eyes gleamed the color of honey. I remember the feeling in my chest. It felt full. I swear to God if he listened close enough he could probably hear my pulse.

He always encouraged me to be myself. Never once did I have to try extra hard around him or act like someone else to capture his attention. I could be me and he would never think anything of it.

We have been best friends for years and years. But was best friends really just a placeholder for something more? The words 'best friends' was just a mask for our true feelings for each other.

Our true feelings.

Every time we held each other in the night I felt different. I felt like nothing could hurt me and nothing bad would ever happen as long as I was there.

With him.

All of my thoughts hit me at once at one hundred miles per hour. The truth crashed down on me. Maybe it was a mask all along.

I am in love with Jung Hoseok.

Now that I look at it, I think I knew all along. Every time I would feel my heart go in circles for him I would remind myself he was only a friend. I tried to ignore this feeling as hard as I could.

Me: Hobi please come here.

Hoseok: Coming.
Such a short response was not like him at all. I just hoped to God that he didn't think I was about to shut him down.

As soon as my door opened our gazes met. Whenever our eyes met butterflies would flutter in my stomach, but it was different this time. I itched the back of my neck.

"Jung Hoseok."

".....Kim (Y/N)"

Whatever the outcome was going to be didn't matter to me. He needed to know the truth. I'm sick of hiding behind the word 'friend'. And he needed to know that.

"I'm in love with you."

My heart felt clenched as if it was bracing itself. Hoseok blinked a few times before cocking his head to the side. Not a word was spoken in response.

He slowly made his way over to the side of my bed, resting down beside me. He laid on his side as he looked into my eyes. His deep set brown eyes had me lost. Reaching a hand out, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I felt at peace. I wasn't worried about being disabled or worrying about the next interaction I was going to have with Park Jimin. I wasn't worried about everything.

Hoseok leaned in closer to my face. His warm breath tickled my nose. Now that he was close up I could see the pattern in his eyes. They were dreamy and soft looking.

We locked eyes for what seemed like a minute before lips were on mine. Soft lips were moving in sync with my lips, almost like waves. He cupped my face, tilting his head a bit for a better angle.

I ran my hands through his soft silky hair, twirling little strands around my finger. I swear I could feel my cheeks turning pink.

As he pulled away our eyes met again. His lips curved into a sweet smile as mine did the same. He began to speak again.

"I'm in love with you too."

He laid on his back, sighing out of relief. I wrapped my arm around him, nuzzling into his chest. The familiar scent of his cologne filled my nose. That right there was enough to put me to sleep.

He pulled me into a tight embrace, his strong arms holding me against him. His soft hand stroked the side of my face gently.


I perked my head up a bit to look at him. His saccharine smile never failed to make my heart jump.

"You're beautiful."

Those words brought a smile to my face. Just hearing loving words spew out of his mouth brought me euphoria.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Where we a couple now? None of that really mattered. I no longer had to hide what I felt about him and he no longer needed to hide what he felt either.

I mean, how could I not fall in love with him? He was always so bright and happy. He had never once brought me down or made me feel bad. His words made me feel good about myself. I finally felt like someone.

He was so full of personality. Our conversations were never dull or boring. He always considered my feelings before his. There was nothing more that I wanted than to just lay there with him and let the world fall beneath us.

What once was something friendly turned into something more and that is wonderful. No matter what the future may hold I will treat him with nothing but love.

As long as I am on this earth,

I will love you with all of my heart.



Hey guys! Only a few more chapters till the end :(. I know this is a short book but I promise it'll be great. All I have to say is get your tissues ready because this is going to be a bumpy ride. Thank you for 50 reads, I love you all.


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