{These events do not take place in real life. The reader will be in a dream-like state this whole chapter!}

The wind blew my hair back, as goosebumps started to form on my neck. The sky and the clouds battled with each other, the clouds swirled aggressively before a loud clap of thunder rang my ears.

I found myself in front of the tree that Hoseok and I sat under. The grass was lush and green, not too long or short. However, the grass under the tree was dead and light brown.

Looking down at my legs, I took a long stride towards the tree. Tension was relieved as soon as I took the first step. Once I stepped underneath the tree, the dead grass crunched underneath my bare feet.

In the blink of an eye, the grass started to raise. Turning the pure green color like the rest of the grass.

Rain started pouring down hard, resulting in my dress sticking to my legs. As soon as I stepped away from underneath the tree, my leg was soon being constricted by the grass.

The grass was very long and thicker than before, it pulled my leg back. Tripping over myself, I found myself being dragged into the ground.

Desperately, I dug my fingers in the dirt in-front of me, trying to pull myself back to where I was standing.

I was soon pulled under a the ground, but it wasn't the dirt. It was dark and cold. It was like an empty room make of dry dirt.

I looked down at my hands. My purple veins were protruding out, contrasting with my unusually pale skin. The dirt underneath my fingernails felt heavy.

I looked up in front of me once more.

There was a light.

No, it wasn't outside. It was a great big orb right in front of me. I was almost in a trance like state. Without being aware of my own actions, I reached out to the orb.

The dirt under me was falling.

A quiet thud echoed. It was another dirt filled room. But there was something in it this time.

A casket?

My legs began to shake as I walked over to the casket. I kneeled down on the side of the casket. Shakily, my fingers gripped the casket.

I opened it.

It was me.

My nose was red and my lips were blue. Skin looking more pale than usual, I reached a hand up to touch my dead corpse.

Terror ran through my body as I pulled my hand away. No matter how hard I tried to scream, it was like someone tied my vocal cords in a knot. No sound came out.

I covered my mouth, bending a bit closer to the casket.

My eyes popped open.

My dead body just opened its eyes.

I only got a glimpse before everything went black for about two seconds. Opening my eyes, I found myself underwater.

Although I could breathe, my chest felt heavy. It was as if I swallowed a ton of bricks. There was nothing in the water besides some sand at the bottom of the ocean.

There was something in the sand.

I swam down towards the sand. My fingers dig through the sand slowly before I pulled out what was a purple flower. Just one flower.


I heard whispering in my ear. My head snapped from left to right, trying to locate the sound of the familiar nickname. But it wasn't Hoseok's voice.

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