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I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. It wasn't an unusual feeling but I was surely uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm hungry.

Standing up, my legs started shaking. I grabbed my nightstand trying to support myself, but I couldn't hold up my body weight. This wasn't the first time I collapsed, but it started happening more often.

I felt cold. My legs were numb for the most part besides some pain lingering all throughout them. I called for my brother as I usually do.


I groaned, the pain started becoming more and more evident. My door flew open, Taehyung rushed to my side. He knelt down, lightly grabbing my shoulders. He tried to make his concern not-so-obvious, but he failed. I know when my brother is worried.

"It's gonna be okay sissy, I'll help you up..."

Gently, he lifted me up. I knew lifting up a human being by yourself isn't easy, so I put an arm on my bed for support. I clenched my teeth as I stood to my feet. It hurt really bad.

The shaking in my legs started back up again. Stumbling forward, I crashed into Taehyung. He wrapped both arms around me, keeping me from falling to the ground. I could feel tears welding in my eyes.

Don't cry, please don't cry. You're supposed to be strong in these situations.

Taehyung took my arm, throwing it over his shoulder as his arm snakes around my waist.

"It's okay, you j-just need to warm up your legs. I'll help you."

Now I definitely knew he was worried. His voice broke slightly, making me even more upset than I already was. We made our way to the living room everyone turned around. Suddenly, there were six boys running over to me.

"(Y/N)-ah! What happened?"

The hint of concern in the maknae's voice made me upset. I didn't like seeing the boys upset at all.

"I-I'm okay. I just collapsed again, all I have to do it warm up my legs a bit."

"Are you sure you're okay Bee? I know you've collapsed before but it's never been like this."

My words of reassurance to Jungkook seemed to fail to do its job. Everyone was worried, bombarding me with the usual 'Are you okay?' questions. I looked at Hobi.

"Yes, I'm sure I'm okay. My legs are feeling a bit better."

Some of the pain was going away, making it no longer excruciating to even take a step. I tried to release my arm from Taehyung's shoulder.

"(Y/N) are you sure?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. I did not speak, I simply just nodded, afraid that any words I spoke would raise more questions that I did not want to answer.

I felt so weak. I'd give up anything to not be ill anymore. I hated it when the others worried for me. I wish this would just end.

As Taehyung let go of me, I took a step forward. A little painful, but I can manage. Everyone was just staring at me.

"I'm fine, there's no need to stare."

"Yeah guys it's rude to stare, go about with what you were all doing before."

Yoongi spoke up before sweetly smiling. He always defended me no matter what the circumstance was. He was a brother, in my eyes. I mouthed the words 'thank you' before taking small, slow steps to the kitchen.

"Do you need me to cook for you?"

Jin quietly asked from behind me. I didn't want everyone to feel like I needed special treatment. That would just make me feel like even more of a burden than I already am.

"No, Jin I'll be okay."

He didn't protest or ask a second time, he just simply nodded and respected my decision. I grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet to snack on.

I was sitting in my room drawing before my door flew open. Quickly, I hid the sketchbook in the space between the wall and my bed. A cheerful Jimin was standing in the doorway.

He took a seat on my bed before cupping his hands together and smiling, greeting me in a sing-song manner.

"Hi (Y/N)~"

I smiled even by just the sight of him. God, he was so beautiful it was dangerous.

"Hi Jimin! What's up?"

Jimin scooted himself a bit closer to me, making me blush a bit.

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling."

"I'm feeling much better. Resting has helped."

"Do you want me to lay with you? You must be bored and lonely just laying here all alone."

My eyes grew wide for a seconds. Was this some sort of joke? Park Jimin wanted to lay with me in my bed because he worried that I would be lonely. I felt my heart drop. Not being able to speak, I simply just nodded.

Jimin chuckled a bit at the obvious fact that I was extremely flustered. He placed himself next to me, getting under the covers.

With both arms, he pulled me closer so that my head was rested on his chest.

A hand snaked up to my thigh, pulling it up over his waist. I swear to God my breathing stopped for a second. I could feel my heartbeat getting a bit faster.

Jimin chuckled once more before holding me a bit tighter. His breathing combined with the sound of his heartbeat made me melt. I, Kim (Y/N), was laying with him, Park Jimin.

Third person P.O.V

Dinner was kind of quiet that night. Besides the casual flirting and laughter of (Y/N) and Jimin. Yoongi ate quietly, Jin ate on the couch, Taehyung was obviously annoyed, Yoongi was on his phone, Namjoon went out that night doing God knows what, and Hoseok didn't even come out of his room to eat.

Things were changing and nobody even realized it. Hoseok was spending more time in his room. He was no longer bright anymore. (Y/N)'s health was dangerously declining, and it was scary. Jimin didn't just like (Y/N). Just as Hoseok does, he loves her too.

Park Jimin loves Kim (Y/N).

Jung Hoseok loves Kim (Y/N).

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter, then next one will be much longer.

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