The sudden feeling of warmth in the crook of my neck made me awake. I jolted up a bit before slowly shifting myself the other way.

I forgot Hoseok fell asleep in here.

"Good morning."

Hoseok said groggily. He must have been resting his eyes, I could have swore he was asleep. Sitting up a bit, he ruffled his messy head of hair.

"Good morning, Hobi."

He huffed, pushing himself up to stand. Before he left me room he looked back at me.

"I'll bring you a plate when you get hungry. Just let me know."

"Thank you, but can I have some help first?"

I chuckled before looking down at my legs. He nodded before lifting my up into my wheelchair. After he left I figured I would get some fresh clothes so I can shower.

Lifting myself out of my chair and into my shower stool, I felt the warm water on my skin. Showers were always nice considering I could be left alone to think.

But why me?

Why would Jung Hoseok love me out of everyone he could love?

I couldn't do much at all. I couldn't walk, couldn't dance, couldn't run, couldn't swim, I can't even get out of bed my myself.

He's so lively and I'm like a dead girl walking.


I had terrible organ problems. Everything I did resulted in pain, even breathing. The warm feeling of being in the shower made me forget for just a little bit.

Drying myself off sitting down was so difficult. Even getting dressed. I had no gumption to put on makeup or even blow dry my hair. I rolled into my room, finding a happy little Hobi on my bed.

"Here, let me help."

He lifted me onto my bed gently. Two plates of breakfast were sat on my bed as well. The sweet aroma of freshly made french toast filled the air.

I picked up my glasses and placed them on my face before glancing at Hobi.

"You're eating with me?"

"Yeah of course. I figured since you were angry with your brother and Jimin you may want to eat alone..... well, not alone just, comfortably, you could say."

Hoseok was right. I most likely couldn't handle the tension in there and I most definitely did not want to go out there.

"Thank you, Hobi."

We continued to eat our breakfast in silence for the most part besides our usual joking around and laughing.

I found it strange how we ignored most of the events that happened yesterday. We had already acknowledged that we shared feelings towards each other, but we never really opened up about it.

But was now the right time? Was it too soon?

"So um..."

I paused for a moment to set my plate on my nightstand.

"When did you realize?"

"Realize what?"

I looked down, completely unsure of how to make the right words come out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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