I woke up to Hoseok scrolling on his phone. He looked over at me, his saccharine smile radiating as it always does.

"Good morning, Bee."

"Good morning."

"How'd you sleep?"


That was kind of a lie. I've only gotten a few hours of sleep, but the hours of sleep that I did get were fine. I look over at my wheelchair, moving myself to get into it.

"Here, let me help you!"

Hoseok rushed over to my side of the bed, picking me up bridal style. He set me down gently in my wheelchair.

Being too short in the wheelchair to see in my bathroom mirror, I did my makeup in a tiny hand held mirror after I bathed and changed into fresh clothes.

I've managed to get ready okay. Honestly, I was quite surprised.

I've managed to get out into the hallway with minimal trouble. Everyone on the couch turned their heads to face me.

"Good morning (Y/N)? You didn't have any troubles, did you? You could have asked me for help!"

I chuckled a bit.

"I did fine this morning. No need to worry!"

"I'm glad you got ready okay, Sissy. Your breakfast is at the table."

"Thank you, Tae."

I made my way over to the table, tying to push myself out of my wheelchair and into the chair. Not going to lie, I was struggling. It's hard to manage when all you have is your arm strength.

"Here, let me help you."

Taehyung said as he lifed me into my chair. I very quietly thanked him and began to eat my food. I felt movement next to me, I looked over to see Jimin. I flashed him a small smile.

"Hey Jimin."

"Hi (Y/N)! How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine."

"Are you sure?"

Why was he questioning me? Were my eye bags protruding out or something?

"Yoongi-ah told me to come ask you. He said you looked tired."

I looked back at Yoongi, who was giving me the thumbs up. In return, I gave him my signature 'if-murder-was-legal-you'd-be-so-dead' look. He shrugged his shoulders, turning back around to face the television.

"Maybe all that sleep got to his head. I'm fine, swear it."

"Really? Do you want to go outside with me? Maybe you could use some fresh air."

Yes, yes, and yes. I slightly raised an eyebrow, looking over at Jimin. What is with his sudden interest in wanting to do things with me?

"Yes, it might be a bit difficult getting down the stairs though."

"That won't be a problem!"

He smiled brightly.

"Yoongi-hyung, can you help me bring her down the front steps?"


Yoongi slowly stood up, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I mouthed 'stop it' as Jimin chuckled.

"Yah, what's funny?"

"Nothing Yoongi, just carry the wheelchair down the steps please."

Yoongi groaned at Jimin picked me up. Carrying me out the door, I felt a light breeze on my face. It felt really nice. Maybe he was right, maybe I did need some fresh air.

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