Starting all over ( Part 2. )

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' Ahh. Echo, what are you hiding this time ? ' Abyss demanded stonily as she tugged at Echo's attire. Echo stop walking and time seemed to stand still, with neither of them saying anything. A frosty silence hung in the air before Echo finally spoke, softly. 

' I'm sorry Mistress Abyss but Master Vincent told me not to tell you anything. I'm sorry, ' Echo whispered softly as she turned around and looked apologetically at Abyss. Abyss clenched her fist and wracked her head for a plan, she had to find out what Vincent was up to, she had to ! Even if Sharon was their enemy, she was the one of the few people who were concerned for her, she was her friend. Abyss would do anything to protect her friends, those who brought her rays of joy. Even if they threw her away, she'd be there to help them if they were in trouble. That had been her weakness, Vincent had told her.

Fake tears welled up in Abyss' eyes and she hiccupped softly as she said, ' You won't even tell me ...? With me being your mistress and all ... ' Abyss broke down into tears as she saw Chesire look away. He knew she was just pretending. Abyss was a rather good actress after all. Echo winced at the situation unfolding before her. She was in a dilemna now. Master Vincent told her not to tell anyone but he had also told her before not to let Abyss cry. Echo sighed.

' Ok Mistress Abyss, I'll tell you what Master Vincent told me but please don't tell him that ... ' Echo pleaded nervously as her eyes darted about. Abyss grinned and wiped the tears away, she seemed to be able to cheer up so fast. Chesire rolled his eyes at Abyss' big facede and couldn't help but facepalm mentally. Even if Abyss wanted to help Eques and his contractor, he couldn't understand how he got such a dramatic mistress.

Abyss listened attentively and stifled a few gasps of shock behind coughs when she heard Echo's recount. It seemed that Vincent planned on capturing Sharon to exchange something Break would obtain from Chesire's House, a memory, she presumed. But what memory was so precious ? Echo also truthfully told Abyss about Vincent's recent hobby of collecting rare poison and a bright blue one he seemed to treasure rather much. 

Abyss muttered something under her breath and sighed. It wasn't difficult to know what Vincent planned to do. Abyss heard a giggle as she saw that familiar brown hair round a corner. 

' Alice ?! ' Abyss shouted in relief. She had thought all of them had been separated. With Alice here now, all that was left was Oz and Gilbert, Chesire would sense out Break and hopefully, Sharon. However, Abyss couldn't help but sense something was different about Alice. She seemed strangely cheerful and didn't call out her name back.

Chesire suddenly appeared in front of Abyss as he raked his claws across Alice's chest. 

' Alice !?! ' Abyss screamed. Blood gushed down from the wound in her chest as Alice stumbled back. Abyss couldn't help it as she ran over to Alice, she wanted to help her. Somewhere in her heart told her she had to. Abyss was pulled back by Chesire who whispered softly in her ear.

' My Mistress, you'll be attacked here by Twisted Alice's memories so please be careful. These are not Alice. ' Chesire had whispered before letting her go. Abyss' whole body shook. This was the first time she ever felt so scared. She didn't want to stay here, if she had to attack Alice here and watch her die. Even if the person is not her but a memory, she couldn't bear it. Abyss clung on to Chesire's clothes as her body was racked with sobs. She felt afraid, really afraid, so afraid that she would end up hurting someone she didn't want to hurt. Chesire patted her head, he didn't know what to do now, he didn't know how to respond to such situations.

That was when Abyss realized it was too quiet. Too quiet coming from Echo who would normally have protected her. Abyss ran over and saw a note scribbled down on a piece of paper.

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