Sneak Peek of Sequel :D

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' Oz ! Let's go to that colorful stall over there ! I want to try the green and purple meat ! ' Alice shouted gleefully as Gilbert dragged her to the stall of her choice before she could continue to bother Oz any longer. Oz smiled, Gilbert still knew him best after this whole time.

It has been just impossible to get life back to normal. When they had escaped the Abyss, Pandora members rushed over to help them up and Break and Uncle Oscar helped to clear up any mis-understandings between both parties and their injuries were then tended to. Rooms had even been provided for them as a sign of sincere apology. Echo had gone missing since then and was never found. Nothing could get his spirit up at all, especially not the fact that none of them would ever see Abyss and most probably, Reo and Vincent too. Even moving back into his original household couldn't get his spirits up.

Sharon commented how lucky they were to have been able to escape and how they should all be feeling fortunate but even as she said that, there was still that heavy atmosphere around. Oz had excused himself immediately of course and no one had disturbed him the entire night. He just couldn't believe it yet, he couldn't believe someone could be taken from him so suddenly just like that.

Weeks, no, months had passed but unlike other incidents he had ever faced since for this, he couldn't just bring himself to accept the fact that some of the closest people were gone, just gone and he hadn't even had the chance to say goodbye.

' Hey ... you shouldn't be sleeping here, people may trip you know, ' Oz faintly reminded a sleeping boy in the back alley he had decided to take a short-cut through to just get away from everything for just a while. It was easy to tell this person was a boy since he was those large caps that covered half of one's face and a slightly dirty white shirt and loose brown pants which reached midways to his knees. Oz squatted down and stared at the boy who had a fringe so long it covered his eyes and since his head was bowed, even lower. Was this just a trick of the light ? The boy's hair had a light blue tinge to it ... Oz shook his head and sighed. He was thinking about Abyss too much, this was most probably another illusion. Oz was about to stand up and leave when the wind picked up and the boy's hat was carried further away by the wind.

Wavy locks of pale blue hair cascaded down once the cap had been blown off. Oz rubbed his eyes as his mouth opened wide and then shut it immediately. Abyss ...? Could it really be ? Bending down further, it was only then Oz realized that there was some white bandage-like piece of cloth over her eyes. Oz reached out his hand a little, he just had to know if this person was Abyss because if she was, she'd have one ice blue eye but if this girl was just another complete stranger ... He just has to find out, he'll save any explanations for later. Slowly, Oz reached his hand out.

' I'll appreciate if you don't touch my Mistress, Master Oz, ' a familiar voice spoke gently yet firmly as he stopped

Oz's hand in mid-air, obviously before he could find out who this girl was.

' Vincent ? We thought you were dead ! ' Oz scrambled back against a wall and rubbed his eyes continuously, wondering if the people standing before him were just illusions, maybe the prankster was Break or Gilbert and the others ? But if Vincent was here, there was no doubt this was Abyss.

' Master Oz, please don't look so bewildered. I can explain but for now, can you allow me to take the Mistress somewhere ? ' Vincent bowed briefly as he scooped Abyss up and requested worriedly.

' Yea, ok, sure. I'll tell Gilbert to get a carriage over and we'll go back to the Bezarius household, ' Oz scratched the back of his head awkwardly and stared at Vincent from head to toe. He looked different when he wasn't wearing the Pandora attire which he always uses to wear, he looked more like a brother taking care of his sister than a servant and his Mistress.

' Thank you Master Oz but it would be preferable if you didn't tell my brother I returned, ' Vincent winced slightly as he looked away.

' Oh ... ok, I understand, come alone then, ' Oz grinned as he led Vincent and Abyss to some empty carriage and with a large wad of notes coming from the generous Oz, the driver promised to being them back on the double.

Oz couldn't help but keep smiling. The rumored to be dead people were 't dead but sitting in front of him right now, even if Abyss wasn't up yet, he'd felt so much more reassured when he knew she wasn't dead or anything.

' It's the Abyss ... it has become corrupted, ' Vincent whispered softly as he looked out if the carriage window and shook his head. Corrupted ? The Abyss ? So they had appeared from the Abyss after all !

... To Be Continued ...

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