End of the Abyss ( PART 2 )

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' E- err ... Abyss ? Who's that ? I'm afraid I don't know her ... ' Gilbert mumbled as his feet backed him away slowly, his hands suddenly fidgeting behind him.

' Are you sure ? Do you know that girl then ? ' the other Abyss tilted her head slightly so her hair fell over part of her face as she looked intently at Gilbert, her finger pointing to a figure hung on the wall.

' Alic- No, I don't know her, ' Gilbert tried as hard as he could to maintain a calm and brave composure as he watched the limp figure of Alice, her body almost gone as it was slowly sucked into the dark walls. The same was happening to Oz and the rest too, their faces partly gone and they still didn't realize it. If he didn't do something soon ... he was afraid he'd lose Oz for a second time.

' You seem to have an interest in that boy with the blonde hair there ... do you know him ? He knew Abyss, he knew my sister, that's why he must die, ' the girl smiled softly as she put her arms around Gilbert. Gilbert swallowed the urge to push her away for if he did, nobody could know what would happen to him. Maybe the girl would kill him immediately, she looked like Abyss and it wouldn't be surprising if she could control the Chains of the Abyss as well. Oz's face was already halfway disappearing into the floor and his legs were completely through already, this was really really bad ... he needed to think up something to save him ... and quickly.

' Gilbert, I never knew you were a coward, ' a voice mocked and both Gilbert and the girl hugging him looked up to see Alice smirking and glaring at him. A shudder ran down his spine as the girl's hands suddenly became icy cold to the touch, he had just been discovered ... he was going to die now.

' W-what ...? You lied ? I ... I thought ... you'd be able to accompany me ... do you know how lonely it is to be in the Abyss !? Can you understand why ... I'm so jealous, why does that sister of mine get everything but I get nothing ? She ... was always so much loved ... ' the girl hung her head low as tears started running down her face. Gilbert could almost get the image --- a girl, crying, alone in darkness ... he could suddenly understand how she felt ... she was lonely, the Abyss was a lonely place after all.

' Hey stupid crow, don't get entangled into the spell, you crow, ' a voice snickered as Gilbert felt himself being suddenly pulled back and thrown into Oz who had apparently got himself out of the floor and was wiping those black slime-like things off his arms and legs. Alice had been released of her own prison as well and she crawled over and lay down sprawled on the floor, her hands and legs spread out flat like she was making a snow-angel which she claimed she was trying to do.

' Sister ? Aren't you supposed to be dead ? I asked Chesire to do a thorough job ... why didn't he obey !? ' one Abyss screamed as she stomped her feet like a spoilt child in anger.

' He did attempt to ... I can't believe it, you'd ask him to do something like that ... ' the other Abyss snarled as both circled each other, wary of who would make the first attack. It was impossible to tell who was the actual Abyss though and whether all the speeches they'd made were from one person or the other, both were whirling around like tornadoes, one minute here and the other minute somewhere else. But since it was a battle between siblings most probably, everyone tended to one another instead and Gilbert was really sure he'd seen Vincent who had now gone missing.

' Geez, you always say your alone but you were the one who stole the position from me, want to give it back now ? I still remember who it was who told me one couldn't live without power. I chose a normal life so you want it back now ? No need to deny, I remember everything now, ' Abyss grinned cheekily as she jumped nimbly onto the ceiling as chains started sprouting from the floor and though it couldn't affect the two Abyss, just its prescence was enough to make the contractors retch. The chains were different from what the Abyss they knew would use, these chains were more ... power-hungry and merciless. Oz knew they had to run but he understood ... that they couldn't help but see who might win this fight.

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