Roundabout Merry-Go-Round

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Abyss stared at the black slab in front of her. Moving figures moved in the vicinity of the black slab which was made out of their ' prison '. She'd labelled the figures so she literally knew who was doing what. She tried to do one of Alice, she had thought that they would be able to track her then but it seemed she could only make those figures if she was determined of the person's location. 

Currently, Break and Sharon were conversing about something while Oz stood next to them and tried to annoy Break. Gilbert stood facing one of the ' walls ', couldn't be called a wall since you could literally walk into it if you wanted. Sometimes, Gilbert would turn to look at Oz and then hesistate about something, then he'd turn back and face the wall again. Abyss felt so annoyed looking at Gilbert's uncertain temperament, she had a good will to go over and tug his ears until they became longer T - T

Vincent disappeared into some of the rooms sometimes that she made. Abyss knew she could explore deeper but she didn't dare, the voices in these ' shadows ' as she had decided to call them, warned her of the wild shadows in the depths. They were shadows as well but they couldn't be controlled by her either way. Abyss didn't understand this place though it felt so familiar when she sent it running through her fingers and watching it slipping through. 

She had already tried controlling them. The shadows felt like dough really, when you decided to destroy your creation, you just slam it down and watch it melt back into their prison. Abyss asked where all the shadows had came from but they didn't answer to that single question. The shadows just moved off that topic and went onto another. Abyss had a feeling they were hiding something they didn't want her to know. 

Abyss looked at the slab and finally felt she was pissed off enough. Gilbert's uncertain personality ... couldn't he just directly approach Oz instead of doing all those weird small movements. Even Oz knew better than to reply to those stupid gestures.

' Gilbert, if you want to apologize. Do it already. Doing all those weird gestures won't help, ' Abyss stated calmly as she stood up and stretched. She'd explore further maybe, there should be something that would help her if she searched. Abyss walked out of the place calmly and she felt Gilbert's staring at her. She shrugged it aside, she wouldn't bother Oz and Gilbert's case since it was between them mainly, it was only right for them to resolve it themselves. 

Abyss wandered where her feet took her or where the shadows beckoned. She had nothing to do anyway so it would be fine taking a risk at times. Abyss strode down a narrow plane which led diagonally downwards. She didn't feel like she was losing her balance though, it still felt as though she was walking on flat ground. And, someone was certainly tailing her the whole way. The shadows were telling him and apparently, it was Vincent ... that rat ...

' What do you want ? ' Abyss asked softly as she stopped in her tracks. She did not look back to see if it was really Vincent, she didn't want to face that rat now, she hated him, she didn't want to see his damned face right now. 

' I'm just following the lady of course, could I do anything better ? ' Vincent answered, sarcasm filling his every word. 

' Of course you could do better. Get out of my sight if you please, ' she retorted in an equally sarcastic manner. Abyss continued walking further down until the shadows' voices drowned into an urgent whisper.

Don't go in there.

Abyss pondered over. She was tempted to back up but that would mean running into that Vincent wouldn't it. Abyss clenched her fists as she journeyed further into the black corridors. They felt so much like a maze suddenly, winding, twisting, sometimes leading to dead ends, fortunately she could make new corridors that led elsewhere. Abyss didn't know how she would get out or where her destination in mind actually was, something just egged her to go on so she did. 

When the Clock's Hands strike ( Pandora Hearts Fanfiction ) > MAJOR EDIT <Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant