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Oz eyelids flew open as he eased himself into a sitting position slowly. Where was he ? What had happened ? Oz noticed Gilbert and Alice sleeping on the bedsheets. They must have taken care of him the whole night. Oz clutched his head in his hands, his head throbbed painfully. The only thing Oz could remember was Jack taking over Oz's body and then he had blacked out. Ahh. He also remembered a familiar voice though ... Abyss' voice ... It told Jack he had a big explanation for Lacie. Who was Lacie ? 

Oz heard a knock from the window and turned his head slightly to see Break clinging on it, his face pressed against the glass. Oz assured himself it was seriously Break and not some weird monster with a squished face. 

' Your awake ? ' Break mouthed and Oz nodded. Then Break gestured to the door and Oz nodded again. He knew Break wanted something from him. People don't usually cling onto your windows while your sleeping for fun you know. Oz silently got out from the bed, trying as best as he could not to wake Alice or Gilbert, especially Gilbert who was quite a light sleeper. Oz made his way to the door where Break had appeared and handed him a coat to put over himself. Oz couldn't help but wonder if Break had two selves. Otherwise, he had to be able to melt through walls.

' So what do you want from me ? ' Oz asked once he sat down on the chair.

' Ahh. Rude brat. How did you know I'd want anything ? ' Break smirked as he asked and settled into the chair opposite Oz.

' Cause normal people don't stick to people's windows and watch them while their sleeping, ' Oz replied sacarstically as he gratefully accepted the warm tea Break handed him. Break sighed and shrugged.

' I feel really bad. I messed up with the outcome. I feel terrible about it. ' Break sighed as he said. 

' Outcome ? ' Oz questioned.

' Yep. ' Break chirped as he popped a sweet into his mouth. 

' Weren't you gone with Alice and Abyss ? What did you need ? ' Oz questioned as he saw Break staring at him intently. 

' I intend to find out about the truth of 100 years ago. ' Break said slowly, word for word as he watched Oz's expression with curiosity. Oz eyes widened as the horrific scene of dead bodies rushed into his head. He almost dropped the tea-cup but didn't and pushed it away instead, claiming he had no appetite. 

' Heh. I know you know something. I want to exchange information. ' Break stated calmly as he lounged on the chair with the fork in his mouth. 

' Tell me about what you saw at Chesire's and I'll sincerely repay you. ' Break continued as he started eating another cake. Oz sighed. It was quite a worth it deal. He had lots he wanted to know from Break anyway, maybe Break could answer it ? Nodding his head slowly, Oz started his recount.


Abyss blinked a few times and sprang up before wincing in pain. She had almost forgotten about that gash from Break's scythe. Abyss sat up slowly and glanced at her surroundings, Chesire sat on the floor beside her. He seemed to have dozed off though. Abyss wondered if she had passed out when Chesire brought her back. She found herself in new clothes and blushed inadvertently when she wondered who changed her. 

Slowly, Abyss lifted the duvet and tip-toed quietly across the room. Cats were light sleepers after all, weren't they ? Abyss slowly twisted the doorknob, willing it not to make a sound. The doorknob turned easily under her gripped as Abyss inched open the door and slipped out. She felt good sneaking out. The soft carpet felt great under her feet too. Abyss walked down the corridors, using the shadows as her cover. She didn't understand why but she was drawn towards a certain direction. 

When the Clock's Hands strike ( Pandora Hearts Fanfiction ) > MAJOR EDIT <Where stories live. Discover now