Negative power

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Sharon said as she stood up from her sitting position. 

' What happened to Gilbert ...? ' Break asked as he saw Gilbert hide a pained expression. 

' There's negative power consuming Oz. It's possible for me to feel it because I left a mark on Oz with Raven's power before they took him away. ' Gilbert muttered darkly. Break couldn't understand. Negative power ? Something distant seemed to be calling for him to make a connection. Since Vincent had taken Abyss away, it'd make no sense for other people to take Oz away would there ? And Chesire was taken too ...

A puzzle piece clicked in its place. Everything had beened planned carefully, Vincent was going to take them all back to Baskervilles Headquarters, Vincent Nightray was in league with the Baskervilles...

' Gilbert, what do you see in your head ...? ' Sharon suddenly spoke up. She noticed the stiff atmosphere and decided to start something going. 

' He can see something ? ' Break asked with sudden interest, if he could see where they all were, maybe they could devise a better way there !

' I can ... but not as in their physical self. I can see though, how deep in that negative power they are in. ' Gilbert mumbled, his voice straining to become louder. Alice plonked beside Gilbert and chewed on a silver plate beside Sharon's bed. She always had to chew on something when she got nervous. She wondered what that negative power was.

' Ok, tell me what you see, maybe we can figure something out. ' Break started as he stared intently at Gilbert. Could he really see them ? Even if it's not their real physical form, if he could make a slight ' call-and-response ' ... 

' I see Oz and Abyss of course. They're bound to this place with black chains. They're both unconscious as black wisps of something appear from the floor and wind itselves around them. The thing that's winding Oz only reached to mid-thigh so I think he's fine. The thing that's winding on Abyss ...'  Gilbert trailed off. He winced.

' What happened ? ' Break knew something was wrong. Oz wasn't in a serious condition but then Gilbert must have seen something horrible happening to Abyss. What had happened ? 

' Ahh. It's up to her shoulders but it crumbles away upon reaching her face ... She must either be resisting it or something like that. ' Gilbert mumbled as he looked Break straight in the eye. He knew Break wanted to get them both back one way or the other. He knew something they didn't which he refused to share. Gilbert just decided to play along now. 

Break stood up suddenly as he rushed out of the door. Sharon and Alice were about to follow him but Gilbert stopped them just as they walked out of the door. They both looked at Gilbert and understood, they couldn't all go at once and hinder Break from what he would be doing. He may actually make it and get Abyss and Oz back safely. But if he fails, at least one of them would get his back.

' I must find them before Vincent leaves for tomorrow. If he goes by tomorrow, the chances of finding them would lessen greatly. ' Break muttered under his breath. He had to find them by tonight. Abyss was in a critical situation wasn't she ? Oz too ... of course. Somehow, Break felt an urge to seach more fervently for Abyss, she held something he needed, hidden memories that she didn't know she had. 

A red piece of fabric flittered past a corner as Break heard a mocking laughter. Them ...? He was sure nobody else except Baskervilles wore red hoods. Break quickened his pace but that person always seemed to be further away, no matter how Break ran or chased. Finally, Break settled on walking at a slow steady pace. It would waste less energy --- killing two birds with one stone :D

The person led Break outside a door where it giggled again before opening the door, leaving a crack and slipping inside. There was someone inside. Definitely. Break flung open as he saw Oz and Abyss, bounded together by weird black ropes that felt sticky to the touch. Break heard a muffled cough somewhere. Chesire still hadn't been found but that might be another chance it was a trap. Another cough and Break made up his mind. It wouldn't do harm checking. 

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