The Reveal and The Announcement

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An hour of feasting and chatting later


"ready for dessert hun? The boys are ready." Jusuf asked. "Yep. Ready to announce our surprise." He bent down and kissed my belly as I replied. Jusuf walked over to Coach, assuming he was asking for him to get everyone's attention because everyone knows he can easily.

"Alright we need everyone's attention please!" Coach yelled as everyone stopped talking and paid their attention to Jusuf and I who were now standing in the middle of the living room. I was nervous and Jusuf could tell. He held me as he began.

"So before we finish up here, Reise and I have a bit of an announcement to make....." Jusuf paused as we both walked towards the fridge. We picked up the fruit carriage together.

"Ready?" Jusuf asked quietly as we walked back to the center of the living room.
"Ready." I replied.
"And 1,2,3. WE'RE EXPECTING!" We announce loudly.
Coach Stood there agape along with both Damian and CJ.
"Congratulations buddy!" Coach said to Jusuf as they slapped eachothers backs in affection. I smiled and stood there. Everyone gave their congrats to me and Jusuf and Damian who was expecting his second child gave us some baby advice. After a few hours they gave their thanks and took their leave.

1 week later
Jusuf POV
Providence Hospital waiting room

The whole team is here. I don't know why I'm scared. This isn't even the ER waiting room. This is urgent care. I'm so excited because I already know, we just have to confirm. I'm nervous though because it feels like......something is wrong.........

Soon enough a young blonde lady wearing came up to us followed by Ruža. "
Hey I'm Marcie. I'm Reise's aunt and also a Registered Nurse here at Province. " the blonde lady introduced herself.
It's her aunt.
"Hi, I'm Jusuf." I respond shyly as Ruža joins me in my arms.
"The Jusuf Nurkić?I remember you! So, you like my niece huh?" She questioned with a smile.
Oh no here we go. The questioning from her family.
She also remembers when I was rushed through the ER when I broke my leg last season.
"Yep." I reply nonchalantly

"It's official! Your girl is pregnant! She's about 3 weeks along." Marcie announces.
The team cheers in excitement. Coach nails me in a long brotherly embrace.

However, I still feel something is off.....wrong.....


I really enjoyed writing this one! Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time, Nurk Love! ❤️🖤🏀🦋🌹

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