The Return of Love

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It had been 3 long weeks of hell for Ruža, she had been traded to the Shamrocks to be reunited with Enes only to be torn from him yet again. And yet again, end up back on her home team, the Portland Trail Cats, with her rival Emina Durić. She and her were mainly rivals because of our relationship. Emina was my long time girlfriend. I met her at a bar when I first came to Portland and once I got to know her, found out that we actually grew up together in Bosnia, and the rest is history.

Reise POV

Yes I'm home from practice early. No, I'm not okay.

Just then I spot a familiar face. The face of Jusuf. Great. Emina is probably hiding somewhere waiting to hunt me down. Ugh.

"Hey." He says shyly as to not startle me I assume.

"Hi." I reply quietly looking at the ground.

"What's wrong? Noticed you were home early and wanted to come check on you to make sure you were alright." He explained.

"Nothing. I expected you to be doing things with Emina instead of being here with worthless ugly me." I respond, my depression getting the better of me.

It all started when he came to the blazers back in 2017. It was just like all of my other crushes. My heart would get attached only to be shattered. He had Emina, and it hurt, but I got over him and he set me up with Enes, only to have Enes sign with the Celtics.

So you've crushed on me since I came to the blazers huh?He asked.

"yup."I reply with my head down. He'll see right though me. I know it.

But......then I saw you had Emina, and kinda gave up because I was afraid she'd hurt me...."
I say in a pathetic attempt to defend my already broken heart.

"What if I told you that Emina took her old boyfriend back?"

"I wouldn't believe you. I'm used to people trying to cheat on others with me."Again my brain intervenes before my desperate broken heart has the chance to ruin everything.

"What if I told you it was true, and that I feel the same way with you but stronger?"

I glance up at him before he slowly pulls me in for a long, sweet, accepting kiss. His tongue slips into my mouth and begins to mingle with mine. Eventually we part to take a breath.

"Does that answer my question?" He asks. He saw right through me. It's like he can read my mind and my emotions.

"Yes. It does Jusuf." I reply in complete happiness.

"So with that, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with that precious smile of his.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I respond with joy as he embraces me in a long affectionate hug.

"I'm never letting you go, my Ruža."

"Volim te."

Haven't done one of these in a while.
Thanks and until next time, Be Brave like Nurk, Be Strong like Enes, and Have Faith like Mason🌹🌹🌹

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