Chapter 2: Just A Daydream

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Chapter 2: Just a Daydream 

 Dylana’s POV-

 Living a life of risk and piracy at the age of 16 has its ups and downs.

The ups being that I’ve never given a shit about anyone or anything other than myself and my mother. Living where I did, it was much safer not to. No broken hearts. Not losses.

The downs being that I’m on my own, and living a life of fucking risks and piracy. I love it of course, it’s my life. I love the adrenaline of when you have to beat down some mother fucker that tries to cop a feel at the bar you work at. Or when a new ship comes to port and you have to identify if they’re friend or foe. But this is not the life for me. Not here. Torgtuga is a place for men to get laid and women to be whores. I wanted to do something with me life aside from work in a bar and await my father's approch. 

 Everyday is the same thing here.

I get up when the rest of the town is finally going to sleep, worn out from to much booze.  I head down the winding path to my work at the bar before anyone else gets there, so I can steal some booze for myself. Finally when I’m neither sober, nor drunk, people begin flocking in the doors. 

The whole day, I wait and listen for the name "Sparrow" to be mentioned, hoping that someday I'll be able to run away with him, and finally have a life. 

After work I dodge through the abyss of sweaty and wasted pirates who’re to lazy to live anywhere other than here, and go down to the docks, watching as each beautiful ship washes in, riding the waves as if it is part of the sea itself. Each one is different than the other.

I aspire to be on one of those ships someday. Something my mother used to tell me, is that a ship is more than just a ship. What a ship really is, is freedom. I believed her. With a ship, you can go anywhere. Be anyone. Live the life you aspire to live. 

After hours and hours of watching the waves crash violently against the docks, listening to the sound of birds screaching in the distance, I head for my cottage like home, where I drink until I forget who I am and what my life has become. 

 Its a vicious cycle of boredom and routine that I don’t know how to escape.

Four years I’ve been listening for the name “Sparrow” to be mentioned. Or for him to march right into my bar and claim me as his daughter, sweeping me away and asking me to join him on his adventures.

I know this will never happen and it is simply a stupid dream of a lost teenager, but I believe that it’s good to dream. Good to have ambition. Although, I believe it’s about time for this dream to become a reality.

It’s about time I find this mysterious Captain Sparrow. 

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