Chapter 9: Look At Me

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Chapter 9: Look At Me.

 Dylana’s POV-

 Floating and gliding over the small waves, through a cave in which there was obviously much piracy for years, I sat quietly at the front of the small life boat, Jack and Will behind me, paddling and guiding the boat through the winding curves of the dark cave.

 Will wouldn’t let up. He continued to persist that I don’t leave. 

 “Dylana please... We can’t just abandon you here. It’s just not safe.” He pleaded, as though I was going to change my mind. I simply ignored him and stared straight ahead.

 “Oh let the girl go. She’s surely clever enough to leave here on her own. Perhaps she can hitch a ride with Barbossa and his crew.” Jack teased, smiling that evil smile of his. 

 “Jack! Would you let up a bit?!” Will shouted at him, obviously furious with the way Jack was treating me. 

 “And why would I do that? Why is it that all my men are so fond of you, love?” Jack directed the question towards me. 

 “Because they know something that you don’t.” I said, angrily under my breath. 

“What was that, love?” he asked, leaning closer so he could hear me this time. 

 I turned around violently towards him, anger boiling inside me. “Because they know something that you don’t!” I shouted at him, unsure of why I was yelling this. “And stop calling me ‘love’!”.

 Jack leaned away slightly, obviously taken aback by what I had said. “And what would it be that I don’t know, lo-...”.

 I looked at him hard in the eye, wishing I could tell him. Which, I could, but I wasn’t going to. I didn’t want his special treatment now. Not after seeing what he truly thought of me. 

 I said nothing. I simply turned away from him, facing my thoughts back on the sound of the small waves beneath us. 

 “Drop me here.” I demanded, pointing to a pitiful speck of land, connected to a small ledge along the water. Jack used the ores to turn the boat towards the ledge, and the boat’s side finally hit against the land. 

I turned to look at Will, as I stood to get out of the boat. “Thank you, Will. For everything.” I said, before stepping out of the boat. 

 “You may want to take this, deary.” Jack said, before tossing me a sword. I caught it swiftly and placed it so it hung at my side from the sash around my waist. 

 “Dylana... At least don’t leave without telling him..” Will pleaded, pointing to Jack with his eyes. 

 I placed my foot on the side of the boat, and pushed it with enough force so it disconnected from the land and floated away slowly. 

 “Jack!” I called over to him. He turned and looked at me for one last time. “They know about Annabel. Annabel Lee Adair.” I shouted over to him. 

 Jack seemed surprised, and peered at me as they floated away, narrowing his eyes.

“So?” He said quietly. 

“Look at me, Jack. I’m 16. When did Annabel leave you? Who do I remind you of?” I shouted over to him as he floated more and more into the distance. 

 I saw his eyes widen, and he stiffened from shock. I knew he understood now. I didn’t even have to finish my thought. He had stopped rowing and had frozen in his place. 

I didn’t get to know if Jack truly realized who I was until it was already to late and they turned the corner, causing us to loose sight of each other. I placed a hand on the handle of the sword, and made my way down the ledge, moving in the opposite direction that they were headed. 

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