Chapter 5: Worse Luck Not To

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Chapter 5: Worse Luck Not To

 Dylana’s POV-

 “Dare you laugh at your orders, young lady?” He shouted at me. 

 I stopped laughing quickly and kept my head down. “My apologies.” I said quietly. 

 “Ca’pin, I know she lied to you, and she’s a she, but we could really benefit from having ‘er on board.” Gibbs pleaded, trying his hardest not to give away to much. 

 “Are you saying that we would not benefit from the other men being aboard, Mr. Gibbs?” Sparrow retaliated, and I suddenly started wondering to myself why I was hiding my real identity from him. 

 Aye. I’m afraid that I’m saying nearly exactly that. We would benefit from this young lady much more than we would a group of worthless sailors.” Gibbs said. I fought back a smile, but Jack did not seem amused. 

 “Why are you so fond of this girl, Mr. Gibbs? What makes her such an asset to have aboard? Want a pretty sight to look at do ye?” he demanded. 

 Gibbs didn’t seem to know how to answer, so he answered the best he could.

“I knew her when she was just a young tyke, Cap’in. She was mighty good with a sword and quite the bright young lass.” He said. I smiled much more, trying to hide my red cheeks at Gibb’s kindness. 

Sparrow began walking towards me once more, and began to examine me. “Alright then deary,” he began, smiling a smile I knew to be a fake one. “Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true, in the face of danger, and almost certain death?” Sparrow asked me quickly.

 “Aye, Captain.” I responded, head still down. 

 Sparrow nodded just slightly and walked back to Gibbs. “Mr. Gibbs. We both know it’s frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard.” he said. Apparently that was a common saying among us pirates. 

 “It’d be far worse not to have her, sir.” Gibbs responded, glancing at me for a moment. 

Jack nodded and shrugged, “Alright Gibbs, I'll accept it. But she shall be under your watch. Don’t let her... screw up. Keep her out of the way. Prove to me that she be worthy of a position on my ship.” he told Gibbs, and he nodded.

I suppose that meant I had done it. I was part of my father’s crew, but his words stung. I knew he didn’t know I was his daughter, but this just proves that he doesn’t like me as a person at all. 

 A little while later, more men showed up, and more men were awarded with becoming a part of the crew, but the whole time this madness was being sort out, I couldn’t help but notice a younger looking man who was talking with and following Jack around nearly the whole day. 

 He didn’t seem much younger than Jack, but he seemed to be about in his twenties. I hadn’t spoken to him the whole day, but I wanted to. He didn’t seem like the rest of us. He seemed... Well brought up, and not... not a pirate.

 Finally, I had my chance to speak to him. He was leaning against the side of the ship, staring off into the distance. We hadn’t left the dock yet, but it was still quite the sight. The sun was setting and there were colors painting the sky like I had never seen. I walked over to the young man, and stood next to him, leaning over the railing. 

 He didn’t seem to notice me at first, but when he did, he turned to me, and seemed surprised. He smiled, “Mr. Smith?” he teased slightly.

I had hardly even realized that he was there for that dispute. I smiled and looked down. “No, no, no... Thats just a stupid lie I made up so I could become part of this crew.” I started, then turned and reached out a hand, “Dylana. And you are?” I asked, shaking his hand. 

 “Will Turner.” he informed me. Finally, a name to put with the face. I smiled.

“How did you get to know Jack?” I asked, curious as to why he was shadowing him all day. 

 “He’s agreed to help me. Ms. Swann, a girl I... a girl I know.. was kidnapped by pirates. Jack claims he can help me find them and save her. I have nothing but his word to rely on for now.” he explained. 

 I nodded. “Aye. Damsel in distress.” I repeate, more to myself than to him.

“And you? Why were you so set on joining these good-for-nothing pirates?” he asked me. I didn’t know what to say. 

“Because I am one myself. I was raised as one of these good for nothing pirates." I began, turning around to lean my back on the railing of this marvolous ship.  "Besides, I’ve known Mr. Gibbs for years now. He was a friend of my mother before she passed. I um... I remembered that he sailed with Jack... And I wanted to get away from my life on Tortuga. This was the only way I knew how.” I lied slightly. 

Will simply nodded. “I’m sorry about your mother... How old are you now?” He asked, turning so that he was facing me and leaning his elbow in the rail.

“I’m 16..” I began, but he looked at me surprised and cut me off.

“How long have you been living in Tortuga? It doesn’t seem like the place for a person like yourself.” he said. 

 I laughed, “I was born and raised there. Never been anywhere other than.” I explained, smiling to myself. Will smiled. I don’t know why, he just did.

"I like your name... Dylana. You know what it means right?" he asked me. I didn't realize it meant anything.


"Born from waves. Was your mother a sailor?" he asked me. I smiled, realizing now why my name was what it was. I never liked my name. I thought it was weird. But it made sense now.

"Yes... My mother was a pirate. I was born from the waves."   

We didn’t speak again for a long while after that. Finally, I left and went to see where the crew and I would be staying. I knew immediately that i’d miss having my own house. 

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