Time Out | Luchan

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Luna sighed heavily while putting the bowl of ramen noodles onto the tray which also included a cheese sandwich and a bottle of water. It wasn't for her, but more for her stupid friend.

Changbin told her - or more like accidentally let it slip - that Chan hasn't eaten anything all day and night since he was working on a song for the upcoming comeback for Stray Kids. He stressed himself out to finish in time for the deadline, but in the meantime he refused to fulfill his human needs like drinking or eating.

So it was up to Luna because the others were busy.

"Damn, that looks good." Luna flinched and almost dropped the chop sticks, turning around to find Stella behind her.

"What the heck, Stella?" Luna said, still trying to calm herself down from the semi heartattack.

"Sorry..." Stella smiled apologetically, still looking at the food with a longing stare. "Can I-"

"No," Luna shook her head, "this is for Chan."

Stella glanced up at her friend with a knowing grin, but Luna waved her off before picking up the tray to head off.

"Go look after Jae before she decides to prank someone," Luna demanded before leaving her friend behind in the kitchen.


When Luna arrived at the studio on the fifth floor, she could already hear soft singing from the other side of the door which caused her to smile a little.

She always loved hearing Chan sing despite his stupidity right now; his voice made her insides flutter like crazy, but nothing beat his dimpled smile...

Luna shook her head to herself to clear her mushy thoughts before finally knocking at the door.

No ansewr.

She knocked again.

Again, no answer.

When she knocked a third time and got no response, she simply pressed the doorknob down with her elbow and kicked the door open.

To say that the studio was a mess is an understatement.

Paper sheets were carpeting the floor, water bottles and plastic wrapping was scattered around the metal table and then there was Chan - sitting on a stop and crouching over his laptop screen, tapping and pressing with so much force, Luna thought he was about to smash the device.

"Chan," Luna said, a tinge of defeat and sorrow in her voice as she approached the Australian boy who still sat there without noticing his friend's presence.

Luna set the tray down beside him on the table, then began to pick up the trash lying around, but by the time she was done, he still didn't look up.

Frowning with concern, she walked over to stand beside him and shook his shoulder gently. "Channie, you have to eat, come on."

It was only then he looked up from his laptop screen. Luna sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of his face. He had dark circles under his eyes and they were rimmed red, his lips were cracked and his hair was disheveled.

"Dahyun?" he asked as if he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not.

"How long have you been awake?" Luna demanded, looking over at the clock on the wall. It was 7 p.m. right now.

"I-" Chan paused, clearing his throat as he looked away, knowing his next words would upset his friend. "I've been up since six in the morning."

"Today or yesterday?" She knew the answer.

"Yesterday, but I took a nap-"

"Shut up and listen," she hissed, causing him to flinch at her harsh tone, so she slightly softened her voice, "you're going to eat this and then go to sleep. You still have a few days for the deadline, Chan."

"I can't afford to lose any time, Dahyun. Or else I will get in trouble," he sighed, glancing up at Luna who took a deep breath.

"I know your manager is strict," she reached over to push back the hair out of his forehead gently, Chan's eyes closing whilst his best friend stroked his hair, "but you cannot destroy yourself, I won't allow it."

Luna leaned down to kiss Chan's forehead with such tenderness that the boy felt his stomach flip.
"Now eat before the ramen gets cold and then you'll sleep."

Chan nodded wordlessly before picking up the sandwich first. "Thank you for always looking after me even if you're just as busy as me, Dahyun. It means the world to me. Actually, you mean the world to me."

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