Chapter 3

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"What was that!" Jungkook cried out in fear. 

"Let me see..." Y/N said. She looked out the window of the treehouse and saw 3 rogue wolves. 

"Rogues" Y/N informed with a firm tone. 

"What do we do?" Bambam panicked in worry. 

"I'll deal with this." Y/N offered. She then jumped through the window and started attacking 2 of them. It seemed like the 3rd one was known by Y/N as she didn't try to attack the rogue, but protect them. 

"Let's help her," Jungkook said. He and Bambam then jumped through the trapdoor and helped fight off the 2 rogue wolves. 

"Rose!" Y/N called out. 

"Y-Y/N!" ??? replied. It was the 3rd wolf. It seemed as if she was beaten up and dragged around.

"Let me help you" Y/N whispered seeing her scars and bruises. After she bandaged and cleaned her wounds, she introduced Bambam and Jungkook to the wolf whose name was Rose.  

"Bambam, Jungkook, meet Rose. She's my friend, she helped me through the recovery of my first heartbreak." Y/N explained. 

"It's nice to meet you both." Rose welcomed. She was about Y/N's height, had fare skin tone, and had a velvet-rich colored hair. 

When Rose looked at Bambam, she became wide-eyed. "Y-Y/n, Come with me into your treehouse. I wanna talk to you privately." Rose stuttered. 

"Um.. sure." Y/N said looking at the 2 boys for reassurance. 

"You two can go" Jungkook said kindly. 

Inside the treehouse...

"Oh, you're still here" Y/N wondered out loud. 

"yeah, so who's she?" Chan replied. 

"Her name is Rose" Y/N reintroduced. 

"Hello, you must be a friend of hers" Rose guessed. 

"Actually she's my MATE" Chan explained.  

"Oh, well that guy "Bambam", is my mate." Rose said. 

"Um, how is he your first mate if you're a rogue. I mean no offence to you" Chan questioned. 

"well, my parents didn't want me so, I had to leave the pack. I was forced to live like this." Rose said quietly, her ears slowly lowering. 

"it's okay, I'm here" Y/N quickly responded to the situation. She knew what the outcome would be, and she wanted to prevent it.

 "Hey, hey, don't worry if you're his mate then, he'll love you unconditionally." Chan insisted. 

"Who will love her unconditionally?".......

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