Chapter 12

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The group then went back, not noticing that Y/N was missing. When they got back, Chan looked for Y/N, but failed to find her. 

"Where is Y/N?" He asked. THe pack members looked at each other, before realisation hit them... She was taken...

"S-She was with us before we left, but I think something happened..." A member spoke up. His first thought was that she was late, but then he connected the dots. His eyes flickered red, and he growled out their worst nightmare...

"Ian. Took. Her." He growled in anger. 

Murmurs and comments passed between pack members. They began to get a plan together, sending someone to relay a message to her father's pack to check out the area for any clues. 

Jin was working on something, when he felt a voice enter his head... 

"J-Jin! Help!" the voice called. 

"Y-Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" He mind-linked back. He could tell that she felt weak and was straining herself for some reason he couldn't understand. 

"I-I'm s-stuck... Ian... warehouse... wolf'sbane... pack... trouble... kidnap... help." Was what he heard her mind-link. She stopped mind-linking him and he felt a pain in his cheek for some reason. His eyes widened as he put the pieces together. He immediately ran for Chan, to tell him of the problem... 


Ian was laughing maiciously, as if he was happy that she was suffering. Y/N could only hold her tears, as her crying led to him opening the wolf's bane before slapping her and then closing it back up. She hoped that Jin would be able to get the information to Chan on time. She didn't want to have to live like this forever, adn she hoped that they would come save her. She woke up earlier to being tied in a chair with Wolf's bane surrounding her. She knew that wolf's bane was like a poision to her. Wolf's bane was like a barrier that she couldn't cross and in her state, she would die in an instant from touching or trying to pass it. It was laid in a circle around her, and it wasn't fun to have to hold her body against the wodden chair.

With Chan and Jin...

Chan was trying to contact Y/N, but couldn't and it made him furious. He was trying to calm down when Jin bursted through the door. 

"ALPHA! I KNOW WHAT'S WRONG!" Jin yelled. This got Chan's attention and he pulleed Jin into a room, locking the doors behind him. 

"What's wrong.." He asked. His tone sounded more like it was an order, but Jin knew he was just worried and desperate. 

"Y-Y/N was taken by Ian. He wants to kill off our pack and he has her at a warehouse. She's stuck in a chair and is surrounded by Wolf's Bane. She's being watched 24/7 and she wants you to help her. She's weak and she can't contact someone without making it obvious, but because I'm a medic, and I don't have a menacing or strong aura, she's able to contact me. I think it's best we get prepared and set out for her this week. She said he won't hurt her unless she makes a noise, so she's safe until we get there. So, I think it's best we get the top fighters and a few medics to come with you, but leave some to defend the pack if he tries to abush our pack while we go after Y/N," Jin explained. 

Chan got angrier the more Jin opened his mouth, he nodded though, not tursting his mouth to speak. He knew if he spoke, something rash ans stupid might slip and it's not good to have those slip-ups right now. He immediately orders for the pack to be on top lock and to get a group of fighters and supplies ready for sunrise in 2 days. The pack began to do his orders as they didn't want anything wrong. Chan then threw his head into his hands as he went home, the silence in the house reminding him of Y/N and how she made the hosue so lively. 

"Y/N we're coming! Stay strong for me..."

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