Chapter 9

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On the day of the party, Y/N felt extremely nervous because everyone in the pack was watching her. She tried to calm her nerves, but nothing was helping it seemed. When it was time for the ceremony to start, she took a deep breath before walking up the platform in front of everyone and stood in place, waiting for Chan's father to give her the pack marking. 

He took her arm and lifted it in the air, as a sight of gratitude to the moon godess and then took a stamp that had the ink in it and pushed it onto Y/N's skin. It hurt a little as it was supposed to be hot enough to mark her skin permanently. 

After he lifted the stamp from Y/N's arm, he announced in his alpha voice, "I HERE BY ANNOUNCE! THE NEW, SOON TO BE LUNA! Y/F/N!" The pack went wild and clapped.

During the party, Y/N met with many of the pack members and soon felt a bit overwhelmed. She went outside to the garden to get a breather, but what she saw wasn't what she wanted. 

"Hey baby girl..." Ian cooed. Y/N's emotions and mental state became unstable. When she wanted to move, it felt like her body was frozen in its spot. Yet, when tried to he come closer; she stepped back a little more than he did stepping towards her. 

"G-Go away Ian," Y/N cried as she tried to get away from him. Ian on the other hand, had other plans as he tried to grab her. 

"Don't make this hard for yourself," Ian warned pulling out a knife, "when we get back to the pack I'll have so much fun with you~" 

"N-NO! GO AWAY!" Y/N struggled against his grip. He tried to drag her and all she could do was scream for help. 

"SHUT UP!" Ian growled, and Y/N disregarded his order and continued to yell. 

"LEAVE OUR LUNA ALONE!" someone yelled. Y/N looked to see that it was Jungkook who yelled, and he was accompanied by Bambam and someone else. She continued to yell and she felt herself out of Ian's grip and looked up to see herself in someone's arms. 

"Come on. Let's get you back to the pack house," the pack member offered. Y/N nodded as she cried in his embrace. She knew that Jungkook and Bambam could handle fighting Ian off for a bit, but for how long was unknown even to her. She just let herself be carried away by the pack member as she tried to control herself. 

When they got back to the pack house, the pack member, whose name was Jin, yelled for everyone to make way. This caused a commotion, but Y/N didn't care. She felt scared and shaken from herself. He placed her down on a chair and began checking her to see if she had any cuts, bruises, or any injuries. He didn't find any and quickly called for Chan to come over.

'How was he able to find her? Why now after almost 2 years does he try to kidnap her? What does he want from her?' These questions swirled through her head as she cried silently.  She felt a familiar presence wrap their arms around her and she looked up to see Chan with scared and worried looking eyes. 

"What happened Y/n?" Nara asked, as she ran towards the older girl. There was worry and panic evident in her actions and tone.

Y/N felt she had to answer Nara, but found that she could only say  words or short phrases without choking on her words. 

"I-Ian... k-kidnap... scared... knife... Jungkook... Bambam... fight..." is all she could get out. Something ignited in Chan, making him angry to hear such words. 

"I'll be back..." Chan growled. He ran through the crowd, seemingly aiming towards the garden area.

Jin on the other hand, had told Chan's parents of what happened. He said that Bambam and himself were talking when bambam said he heard someone yell for help. He quickly had called for Jungkook and told Jin that he had to come too in case the person was injured. Luckily, Jungkook was fast enough to see that Y/N was getting kidnapped and that he and Bambam were going to hold off the guy while Jin got Y/N to safety. The thing is that Chan's parents were confused at who "Ian" was.

They noticed that for Rose, Nara, and Chan...the name Ian coming from Y/N's mouth was negative and didn't seem good. Nara's reaction to the name Ian was very different from her usual behavior...

Nara, after deciphering her sentence, cried as she hugged Y/N. Nara hugged Y/N even tighter saying, "N-No! Not him! Y-you'll be safe...Channie is gonna protect you...just cry into me Y/N-shi." Y/N hugged Nara back, taking Nara as her comfort while Chan was out doing who knows what.

"Nara...we need to speak with you..."

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